Part 22: School time

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The next day I got up at 6:00 a.m. and prepared breakfast for Connor. Then I woke him up and told him to come downstairs.

"It doesn't look like the breakfast we had at your place, but I am sure you will like it." I said. I had made him some scrambled eggs and two slices of grilled bread. I gave him an orange juice, too.

"It's perfect. You know, sometimes I would like to live a normal life." He stated.

"Your life is perfect as it is. You got everything you want!" I replied.

He smiled back and finished his breakfast.

"Come on, let's go get changed or we'll be late!" I said.

"Where is Matt?" He asked me.

"He texted me this morning. He stayed at Christian's yesterday."

"Ah...I see!"

[10 minutes later]
"Come on, hurry up" I told him.

"Yeah , it's that my hair doesn't look good. I just need some more spray!"

"They look good to me and that is all that matters."

"Do you forget something?" He asked me with a light hearted tone.


"Your essay" he replied.


When we arrived at school, Connor left me and headed to his class. He still didn't want to be seen around me.
As I observed him entering the main door, someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Matt, and Christian.

"Hey Christian... how are you?" I asked him.

"Fine." He replied.

"How was Canada?"

"Same good old land."

"Ehm, Carson, I need to talk to you!" Christian said.

"Go on."

"Matt told me about what happened between you and him. Well, I suggested him to do that, but now I am a bit unsure. Are you sure you don't have feelings for him?"

"No Christian. I could never do that."

"See? I told you..." Matt said puffing.

"I just needed to be sure!"

"Hey don't worry! Actually Matt's lesson helped me. I put it into practice yesterday."

They both laughed.

"Wow man. I am a proud bro, now!" Matt said.

"How was it?" Christian asked.

"Good." I replied.

"Only good?" Christian asked surprised.

"Maybe I should have a talk to Connor" he added.

"No, please. Leave him in peace!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, I was joking" he said.

Then Christian separated from us and went to his class. Matt and I did the same. But before entering the maths class I stopped at Mrs Shannon's office.
I wanted to give her the essay.

[In Mrs Shannon's office]
"Hey, Carson!"

"Hello, Mrs Shannon."

"Do you need help?"

"I just wanted to give you the essay. I finished it."

"Oh... Actually... I am really surprised."

"Me too. Please, it's very personal. Could you please keep it for yourself?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you. Have a good day!"

"Bye, Carson!"

[Carson reaches his first class of the day, but he is late]
"Mr Lueders, you are late for maths class." Mr Diaz told me.

"Sorry I was with Mrs Shannon. I had to hand in an essay". I replied.

"Ok. Go to your place. I was about to give you back the class test we did last week."

Mr Diaz put his tests on our desks and I was to afraid to look at the grade I had taken.

"Some of you confirmed their perfect grades average. Some of you failed it, as I had expected. Others surprised me."Mr Diaz explained.

"Mr Sato. Well done. You got an A-. I wasn't expecting that. Good job...
Gabe, perfect, as always. Lindsey, I am sorry, but you failed again. I can't let you take part to the finals if you will get the same score on the next test."

"See the grade for me, bro." I told Matt as Mr Diaz gave me my test back.

"Ok, then?" Matt replied.

"Don't tell me if it's bad."

He lifted a corner of the paper sheet. He raised his eyebrows and made a strange look.

"Is it that bad? Oh... I failed again." I uttered and I threw my head in my heads.

"Mr Lueders, you are not happy?" My teacher asked me.

"I could do more" I said in an annoying tone.

"What? Have you looked at your grade at least?"

"No, I haven't. I haven't had a good grade in math in two months. How could things be different now?"

"Mr Lueders, please. Grow up and turn your paper. Maybe you should trust yourself more."

Matt showed me my mark: B++.

"Oh my god" I shouted.

"That's what I thought when I corrected it!" Mr Diaz said. "Now I know miracles can happen!"

All the class laughed. I was really happy. Of course I could do more, but I was happy anyway.
When class was over, Mr Diaz held me back and talked to me.

"Are you happy?" He asked.

"Of course."

"Good. You know what makes me angry?"


"The fact that you gave up on your dreams and in everything around you all of a sudden. You got some qualities, but you are not feeding them. Your greatest obstacle is yourself. I was a reckless kid. I finished in prison when I was 17. But I never gave up on my dreams. In the last months I have had the impression that you wanted to give up on everything: music, school, friends.
Remember: your life will be full of bad moments. But never let them overcome you!
You could be the best student in each class. But you need to focus!"

"Thanks, Mr Diaz. I will never forget that."

He smiled at me and said: "Now go. And celebrate!"

I had to give Connor the great news.

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