Chapter 42- They did WHAT?

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Maureen POV

"Why would my grandma say that it was my fault, blame me, and get rid of me?? Why did my uncle and aunt always say it was my fault?? Call me a murderer??" he quickly rambles out with his breath becoming shallow. I hear his tone of voice become harsher while his heart rate quickly increases. He is usually such a soft spoken person but these people lied to him and treated him like shit for years!

**Wish I could kill them- Shelia growls

*I know, maybe later but not now. It would make things harder on Wyatt. He is our priority. Besides we are making them pay through legal means. 

**True, that will have to do for now.

"Why did they do all that to me??" he stands up off the couch and brings his hands to his light brown hair, which he frantically pull on. I notice he winces while he quickly looks around the room, not really searching for anything specific, just needing to move. "They made my life hell! Why? Why Maureen?"

"Wyatt. Wyatt! You need to look at me, ok sweetie. I need you to calm down."

"Maureen, they took so much from me. Those lying assholes! They used me!! They beat me!! They stole money and time from me!!" he grunts out, on the verge of hyperventilating.

"I know they did. I need you to settle down. I don't want you to agitate your injuries," I point out while trying to remain calm myself. I've never seen him like this and Shelia is pacing in my head. I slowly approach, standing directly in front of him.

"Wyatt, I understand you are mad..

"Mad? Mad? Mad and confused. That's an understatement Maureen," he snaps.

"Hey, I know that Wyatt. I'm sorry. I don't understand what you're going through. I have not experienced what you have, ok. I can only be here for you right now. I know you're mad. I'm not saying not to get mad, just that I need you to calm down right now. You still have injuries that need healing. I don't want you to get hurt further," I softly tell him while holding his handsome face between my hands, hoping this helps to calm him. He stares into my eyes and I see, feel him relaxing. The tension in his shoulders appear to ease. "You have every right to be hurt and angry. Bit lets take that anger out on a run, swim, or punching bag another time. How about we call it a day and go lay down, deal? I'll go get you some meds and we'll go to bed," I suggest while taking his hand and moving toward the bedroom.

"Yeah, I suddenly feel exhausted Maureen. I'm sorry about snapping at you," he mutters.  I feel a slight tug on my hand and turn around.

"Thank you. Thank you Maureen for everything tonight. For telling me about yourself, your world, and my selfish family. Thank you both for caring for me and doing your best to be there for me. No one has done that since my parents. I only saw pain and loneliness in my future until I me you. Thank you for loving me. I love you, both."

I am stunned! Did I just hear him correctly?! I feel my heart bursting with warmth like never before!

**He loves us!- Shelia shouts 

I am speechless. i then feel a tug on my hand and hear him say, "Come on my leading ladies, I'm about to fall asleep standing up. Let's get to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open. That talk was very taxing."

My heart is beating ninety miles a minutes with his genuine declaration. I'm so glad he can't hear my heart beat. Maybe some day but not now.  I smile at him and nod my head. I silently lead us to the bedroom so we can relax. Wyatt takes his shirt off and strips to his boxers. I think his drowsiness has caused his shyness to be chased away and I giggle. To me, he is perfect. 

**He certainly is!-Shelia coos 

I quickly pop into the bathroom to change into my sleepwear. When I come out I instantly notice Wyatt snuggled in bed under the covers. I smile, climb into bed to join him, and hold his hand. I feel him squeeze my hand and scoot  closer to me. My mate knows about me now and is still beside me. I drift off to sleep with the most relaxed and contented feeling I've ever sensed in my life. 

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