Chapter 72-I Want To Help

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Tristan  POV

I'm still in this secure room, 'resting' for my own good, according to the doctors. I mean, sure I like having a roof over my head, a nice clean bed, and food in my stomach just as much as the next person but man, I'm tired of these same four walls!!! Man, what I wouldn't give to go outside and shift but the doctor wants me to rest!

Shit, I hate just waiting around, cooped up!

I'm anxious as hell too! I know Alpha Toby is going to start some shit. I just don't know exactly what and when. I wasn't given too much info when I was 'helping' him. I was only given assignments to complete.

I discussed everything I thought was relevant to Alpha Toby and what's going on. I also answered all of Alphas Maureen and Wyatt's questions. They didn't kill me or torture me, which they very well could have! Unlike other creatures I've recently dealt with! They also gave me medical treatment. Pretty much the exact opposite of Alpha Toby and his pack! I wish I had come across her pack first! Man, there's such a difference between the two packs! I guess that saying is true.....'It starts at the top' or something like that. Alpha Toby is an arrogant, selfish asshole who really only cares about himself and it shows throughout his pack! And, there's that whole he was planning on killing thing too. Shit, thinking of that damn prick and his pack makes my head hurt!

My thoughts wonder to my mom. I wonder what she's up to and if she's ok? If she thinks of me or misses me. If she regrets kicking me out? That takes my mind to my asshat dad and my stepbrother, who surprisingly punched our old man! I wasn't expecting that, that's for sure! That right there had me kind of admiring the guy, although he's younger than me. I mean, he did kind of stand up for me, which I'm not used to honestly! I wonder if he would mind having a beer sometime. If you're reading this on any other platform or by another author than BGRose77 then it has been stolen.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door then it swings open without me saying anything.

"Well, well if it isn't the Hulk and Ms. Nurse! How's it going? What news of the Shire?" I dramatically question them with a smirk on my face. I have to entertain myself somehow in this place!

"What happened to 'Mr. Bodybuilder,' huh? And, by the way she has a name, use it!" the guard Elijah snaps at me. 

"Well, Hulk fits you better don't you think? And, honestly I'm bad with names and I don't remember her name. They change so often," I defend myself. Yeah, I know his name is Elijah but I like giving a hard time. And......he hasn't hit or tried to kill me yet so I figure why not yank his chain  a bit!

"Sorry Ms. Nurse. What is your name?" I nonchalantly ask her while she checks my chart  and take my vitals.

"Juanita, Tristan. My name is Juanita. What's the Shire?" she genuinely  ask.

"What?! You don't know the Lord of the Rings reference?! Seriously??!! Man, Ms. Juanita you're missing out!! They are books written by J.R.R. Tolkien, then made into movies by Peter Jackson. You have to check them out, classic!!" I gush to her. 

I notice that Elijah is standing near the door with his arms  crossed, silently laughing. "Yes, Hulk I actually can read, amazing I know but true non the less," I reply, deadpanned.

"You mean higher than Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham? I'm shocked!" I hear his sarcastic retort.

"Alright, alright guys. Ok Tristan, maybe I'll check them out. Now, time for your med," she matter-of-factly announces while administering my medicine.

I hate medicine but I have to admit I'm feeling better so I guess they can't be all that bad. 

I hear her say, "Now rest up and I'll check on you in a bit."

"Tristan, I'll be outside," I hear the Hulk say while I'm getting drowsy from the meds.


I hear a lot of movement and excited talking outside my door in the hallway. I'm still a bit groggy but force my eyelids open anyway. 

What the hell is going on ??!!

I carefully unhook myself from the machines and quickly push as many buttons as I can to shut them up! I figure that with the commotion outside whatever alarms are sounding from my machines will be overlooked. 

I push myself off the bed and make my way to the door and try the handle, locked!

Well, I guess I can't blame Alpha Maureen for being cautious.

So, what do I do?

Yep, bang on the door until someone answers! Yep, stealthy but hey I'm kind of limited here!

Suddenly, the door opens and the Hulk is staring at me, annoyed!

"Finally, I thought you forgot about me Elijah!" I quickly tell him.

He raises his eyebrow at me but still looks annoyed at me. 

"Yeah, yeah I actually do know your name. I just like giving you a hard time. But seriously, what's going on man? What's all the hullabaloo about?" I ask him, curious about the noise outside.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about!" he barks at me. 

"Ha, I can help ok, especially if all this craziness has to do with Alpha Toby and brownies." I continue, hoping he will give me some hint as to what's wrong.

"I can't trust you!" he  furiously counters.

"Ok, ok I get that. I really do. How about you put a tracker on me. That way if we get separated you can locate me and come after me! Elijah, I will not betray you. I promise. I know that is hard to believe but I won't. My family is here!"

"Your father?! You hate him! So don't give me 'my family is here' crap!" he  growls at me.

"Fuck my father! I don't give a shit about him! I'm talking about my brother! He's the first person to stand up for me since I shifted into a werewolf! And Alpha Maureen didn't kill me on sight and actually helped me. If I can help then I will!" I adamantly argue back. "Please, Elijah, I won't get in your way, promise. I just need to help! I can't be stuck in here with shit going down and not helping!"

He's quiet for a few moments, holding eye contact and staring at me like he's trying to get an answer. 

I guess he gets one too. 

Elijah sighs, finally giving me his answer while his eyes glow. "Alright Tristan, you can come with me. I will place a tracker on you. If you even think of doing anything which will bring harm to anyone within this pack or our allies I will end you! Understand?!"

"Yes. Understand. Completely! Thank you Elijah," I gratefully reply.

"First, we need to get you some clothes and a tracker. Then, we move out. Let's go!" he orders

 While he gets me clothes and fitted for a tracker he got me up to speed on the current situation. 

It's worse than I feared!

Shit, my guilt for my role in this is overwhelming! I will do whatever I can to help! 

I will protect Blaine too!

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