Chapter 83-Moving Forward

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Maureen POV

6 months later.....

I believe we've made some positive strides moving forward after the fighting in the brownie realm during the last months.

Chieftain Mahoe made a full recovery with Ebony by his side every step of the way. After he was completely healed, a traditional brownie ceremony was held for Ebony to officially become Empress of the Brownies. It was a stunning ceremony and she looked magnificent!! She plans to live fulltime with her mate, ruling by his side. With a secure portal  access room now located within her home pack she will be able to visit her family and friends there anytime.

Madison was killed during the battle. She was a sneaky bitch, wanting to manipulate from a distance, trying to hide while performing magic. But, with the brownies and wolves coordinating together they were able to track her down and put an end to her once and for all!! I have to admit, I honestly wished I had been a part of the team that had ended her because she had caused a lot of pain and suffering to a lot of beings! 

Teaming together again...........brownies and wolves hunted down Madison's allies, who assisted her with her schemes of destruction and death, beginning with her ever faithful manservant, Elliot!! 

After the hunting was complete, I was given a full report of the teams' activities. Afterward, Wyatt, myself, and five high-ranking brownie officials had a meeting with Madison's former coven. We wanted to solve any possible issues diplomatically since we felt there had been enough fighting, pain, loss of life, devastation. The meeting was peaceful, productive and we parted on favorable, although sorrowful terms.

Death. Destruction.........yes, the brownie realm saw a tremendous amount of both!!!!!!! Wolves and brownies toiled together to rebuild their kingdom. There has been steady progress yet there is still a long road ahead. 

Last month, Jax and Lucille surprised the pack with their announcement that they will soon be adding to their family!! I am so excited for them!! They are going to be awesome parents!!

Parents......yes, Wyatt and I have discussed having kids. Me getting injured in the battle with Toby scared Brutus badly, terrified him actually!! I want to wait for a bit for several reasons. Brutus wants to begin trying ASAP!! I have to admit that I'm a bit stunned Wyatt and Shelia  have similar conflicted feelings. I certainly thought Shelia would be in agreement with Brutus and want to begin immediately!!


Jax and Lucille have just announced they are expecting a baby. I suddenly feel panic through the bond with Wyatt and I instantly turn around. He's standing directly behind me with his arms around my waist. I try to mind link him and he has cut me off!! Yep, thanks Brutus!! So, I gently take his hand and guide him to our office since its close and private. I quietly close the door and to turn to find him standing at the window with his arms crossed........just staring. 

"Talk to me. Why did you panic with their news?" I carefully ask him.


"You know, you don't have to change any diapers" I lightly chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood.

"I'm terrified Maureen. I've never been around babies so I don't know what to do. And.......and being a father!! Shit Maureen!! What kind of father would  I be, really??!! Look what I grew up in!! I have no idea how to be a father!!" he harshly whispers out loud with hysteria lacing his voice and concern burning in his mesmerising orbs . His worried eyes remain staring out the window, tears rolling down his beautiful yet horror filled face.

I slowly approach, stopping beside him, and tenderly touching his lower back. After a silent moment, I kindly glide my hand up and down his strong back, hoping  it soothes him. 

"Wyatt, we are young. There is no rush to start a family. I'm happy for Jax and Lucille, of course but we are different from them. They've had completely different experiences than us. They are at a  different stage in their lives and their relationship. Every couple is unique. It is understandable for you to feel this way, truly, with how you were raised. Just remember, no baby comes with a manual. Each one is unique  and will bring its own unique joys and challenges. So, we will not be any different than any other set of parents in being nervous, scared, inexperienced. Do not allow fear to guide you. I will never push you, ok. Also, you were alone while growing up with those two disgusting creatures. You will never be be alone again. You have Brutus for one and I will never leave you, not until its time to journey to the heavens. Our life journey will be together, always" I softly tell him while continuing  to rub his back, which I can feel is helping him to relax a bit.  

I gaze at his stunning face, hoping to hear the thoughts currently running through his flustered mind and heart. 

He takes a deep shaky breath. 

"I love you Maureen. I do with every fiber of my being. I would like to start a family with you. I do. I.....I..I just need time. I'm just so worried, scared. Thank you for your love, understanding, and patience. For me, you are truly my lifelong leading lady" he tenderly pronounces while turning and bringing me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head.


I'm currently sitting at my desk reviewing my Dad's reports. He has been in charge of interrogating Toby's pack. He is tasked with deciphering who were bullied, beaten, blackmailed into performing the assignments given to them and who were truly committed to others' pain, suffering. His assessments have proven to be invaluable, very enlightening, and very heart-breaking. 

I need a break from these damn papers and disturbing pictures. I have to admit I'm grateful Toby is gone. He was worse than I ever imagined!! Asshole is a mild description!!

I close the folders, rub my tired eyes, then reach for my coffee.

I bend over, open a side desk drawer, lift a box in order to remove a special file. Now, to continue to plan for Wyatt's birthday gift!!

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