Chapter 17- Uncle's Meeting

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8:30am Court House, meeting in a private room with attorney Brandon Carter

Scott Walters POV

Why am I here so damn early?! The hearing isn't until 11am! Shit, I can't stand lawyers. They always think they're better than everyone else and that their time is soooo damn valuable. This guy better do a good job and get me off from this shit. That piece of garage brat deserved everything he got!

The door suddenly opens and I jump! "Man, don't you knock?" , I grunt.

"I do when I need to Mr. Walters. Now, lets get down to business shall we?" , he ask me with a smile on his face. Why is he smiling? "Mr. Walters, do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, my lawyer dipshit", I snap at him.

"Do you even know my name?", he ask me.

"Do I need to man? You look like every other damn lawyer I've ever met. Same boring suit. Same boring haircut. Same boring, stupid look on your face. You're nothing special", I say sarcastically.

"You have a way with words Mr. Walters. Now you are going to shut that ignorant, repulsive mouth of yours and listen to me. Not that you really have a choice in the matter while you're sitting in that wheelchair, sporting those injuries", he calmly tells me.

No one speaks to me like that. "Why should I dumbass?! You better watch yourself if you know what is good for you! No one tells me what to do", I bark out while glaring at him.

He chuckles, actually chuckles, and the next thing I know I'm lifted out of my wheelchair, pinned against the wall. He has his hand around my throat, squeezing hard! Pain is radiating throughout my body because I'm still healing from the injuries that bitch gave me that night at the house. 

This guy!!! His eyes are black and he growls at me "You. Want. To. Make. A. Bet?!" What the hell is going on?! I try to scratch at his hand which is wrapped around my neck and he only laughs more while lifting me up so my feet don't touch the floor.

"Are you listening to me now Mr. Walters?", he snarls at me. He just snarled at me! What??

"Y..Y..Yes", I stammer out.

"Good, now listen closely because I don't like to repeat myself", he states while loosening his grip on my throat a little.

"You are going to change your plea to guilty. You are going to admit to everything you're accused of and agree to all the consequences. You and your wife are going to stay away from Wyatt Smith. Unless it is court ordered you will not have any contact with him whatsoever. If or when you do have to be around him you will not so much as glance in his direction. You will take care of what you need to get done and leave. If you do contact him or try to be around him outside the legal parameters you will regret it, period. Otherwise you WILL NOT like the consequences. You may even find the only conversation you have will be with worms, if you get my meaning. Do you understand?"

I ask him, "Why should I? What is in it for me? He deserved what he got?"

I am quickly dropped to the floor only to have two very hard kicks land to my stomach with pain I've never felt before. His right hand is gripping my left arm so hard I think he is going to brake it in half. Then, with his left hand he grips my jaw up so fast I think I have whiplash. I am looking into his black eyes, his teeth are growing longer, and he growls at me. "You will if you want to live to see tomorrow. You will because I say so. I am loyal to my kind. You will never hurt Wyatt again or you will die. Understand?!"

"W..W..W..What are you?", I cough out.

"I'm your lawyer. I am also a werewolf. Shush, don't tell anyone", he chuckles at me like it's no big deal. "It's not like anyone will believe you anyway moron", he laughs so menacingly a chill runs down my spine. I know he means every word he has spoken to me in this room. Oh, shit.

********** END OF FLASHBACK**********

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