Chapter 34-Chieftain Ioane Mahoe

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Chieftain Ioane POV- Within the Brownie Realm

My knuckles are killing me but  I continue punching anyway. I even see blood dripping down the bag. I'm not concerned since I know I'll soon heal. I've been wailing away for about an hour now at the punching bag. Maybe move to the treadmill next. 

The gym is currently empty since it's so early. I need to release some stress and anger before my meeting with Alpha Maureen. I'm so pissed!! How could a corrupted brownie escape?! And aid in harming others at that?! Another species too? How could I not know about  him being gone?! How could they not inform me, their Chieftain, about such a serious issue?! What else are people not telling me?! This will certainly be dealt with throughout the entire kingdom as soon as my meeting today is finished!! And they will not like the consequences for keeping such important information from me!! I can not have such occurrences be withheld from me!! Not only is it embarrassing it's dangerous!! I'm the Chieftain for fuck's sake!!!! I look at the clock.

Two and a half hours until the meeting.

I decide to leave the gym and head toward my office. I have a small apartment attached to my office so that I don't have to constantly return home for when I need a simple, quick change, nap, or meal. 

I've showered, dressed, and am presently sitting in a comfortable chair drinking a large cup of strong, very strong coffee gazing out a window upon my vast kingdom. I'm pondering what else is going on out there among my tribesman. I am worried, anxious, concerned, angry and know I need to address them immediately after my meeting although I may need to rest after I perform the upcoming spell. Shit, my mind and emotions are all over the place and need to focus.

I finish my coffee and pull myself together to concentrate at the task at hand. I call Dr. Kane and we go over last minute preparations for when I execute the magic spell which is aimed at looking back in time in order to view as much of the path the poison took to Alpha Maureen's mate as possible. Although she is a werewolf and her mate is a human I can not simply ignore them when they are in need to help, especially when it is one of my own kind which caused them so much pain and heartache. It is my responsibility as a Chieftain. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Man, I need another cup of strong coffee. 

One hour until the meeting.

I am sitting at my desk in my office feeling like I'm drowning in paperwork. I am combing through the files I have scattered across every surface in front of me. The files include Kaleo Keahi, the poison he delivered to an outsider, the searches we've conducted so far for him and how he got the poison in the first place, the employees who covered up Keahi's escape and why, just to name a few.

20 minutes until the meeting.

I stand,  stretch a bit, and walk around the office knowing it will probably be a long, stressful meeting since we have a lot to go over and it's not exactly a fun, pleasant topic she is coming to discuss. I move to stand in front of my desk, waiting for Alpha Maureen's arrival. I have heard as well as observed that she is an intelligent, strong, level-headed alpha who is respected not only by her pack but others. I hate that one of my kind especially had caused harm and sadness to her mate so I plan to help in any way possible. 

Arrive Time.

I keep an eye on the portal entrance and it soon begins to glow a bright white with an aura of energy and power, signaling an arrival. I feel the change of pressure in the room, then Alpha Maureen and a muscular man step through the portal. I wait a moment for them to acclimate themselves to their surroundings. Then, I smile, extend my hand for a handshake and state, "Good morning Alpha. Welcome to my kingdom."

*****Conduct meeting. Break time.*****

"Why don't we take a break and have a drink while we wait for Dr. Kane and his assistant", I mention, truly wanting a break. We have covered a lot of information and I could do with a break before I conduct the high level of magic needed. I'm really not looking forward to executing the spell. It takes a lot out of me, both mentally and physically.

"That sounds nice actually, thank you Mr. Mahoe", Alpha Maureen responds to my suggestion. I request coffee, orange & grape juice, sandwiches, and fresh fruit be brought out to the my balcony where a table and chairs are set up. It is pleasant weather and I believe the fresh air will do us good. Dr. Kane and his assistant, Mr. Akana, arrive to my office and join us as well. 

We enjoy light- hearted conversation, which is a nice change of pace after the heavy topics discussed earlier, while enjoying the delicious yet simple food and beverages.

Now that we have finished we make our way back inside to my office and prepare for the task at hand.

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