Chapter 26- Wyatt's Birthday: Part 1

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Maureen POV

I am so damn tired. I am currently slowly walking up the stairs to my room. My feet feel heavy, like they have lead in them and with every step they are getting heavier. I need to eat something too. I want nothing more than to be with Wyatt, to smell his intoxicating scent. He would help me calm down, relax, and gain strength. I can't do that, yet. It's too late to knock on his door and bother him without a good excuse, which I don't really have right now. I'm going to need to tell him soon though. It is getting harder to resist. I wonder if he will be able to feel the sparks? If I will be able to calm him like he calms me? Mind link? He is human so I'm not sure how this will affect him. I don't know anyone with a human mate to ask either.  If you're reading this on any other platform or by another author than BGRose77 then it has been stolen.

Man, I'm exhausted. Save the questions for tomorrow, his birthday. I had planned, with Lucille's help,  on simple but fun activities for Wyatt and I on his special day. Now, I'm not sure we will be able to do any of it! Shit, I really wanted his birthday to be unique since I know his uncle and aunt ignored it and never did anything for him on his birthdays. Even if we have to celebrate here at the house we are going to do something for Wyatt's birthday. 

Ugh, almost there. Just a bit more and I will be at my room. Ugh, I have been working too many hours in order to deal with the threat from Alpha Toby. The days starting to blur! I made sure to put alarms on my phone and room computer about Wyatt's birthday though. There was no way I was going to let that slip by. I need, no HAVE, to protect Wyatt and the pack. Toby is a sly, cunning jerk. He does not like to get directly involved, to get his hands dirty so to speak unless absolutely necessary. So that is making collecting information regarding threats directly related to him difficult and time consuming.  Sure, we cornered Maxine and confirmed he is involved but getting specifics about what exactly he is planning has proven more taxing to pin down. 

I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't realise I'm standing outside Wyatt's room. I inhale in his scent and listen to his steady breathing, telling me he is sound asleep. Good, that helps me relax as I reluctantly trudge to my door. I slowly turn the handle, not wanting to leave the hallway and the beautiful sound of my mate's breathing. But, I know I can't stay out here forever. I need sleep. I need food. I can't protect them if I am weak. I hope tomorrow goes well.

***Wyatt's Birthday***      Wyatt POV

Today is my 18th birthday! Damn, I honestly never thought I would live to see this day, not with all the beatings and limited food. When I woke up I was actually excited, for the first time excited for my birthday. Even if I don't get any presents or do anything extravagant I at least don't have to stress about a beating and can just enjoy the day for once. I had went to the kitchen and found Ms. Debbie cooking. 

"Hello Birthday Boy!!",  she exclaimed while lifting her arms in the air. "Ready for your birthday breakfast?" 

I was dumbfounded. No one ever cared about my birthday after my parents died so this is different, a good different. I smiled and said, "A birthday breakfast?! You shouldn't have went through all that trouble Ms. Debbie. I could just have some cereal."

"Nonsense! Now, sit here and enjoy", she stated while placing a plate full of pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs with a bowl of fresh berries in front of me.

I had the best breakfast ever! Ms. Debbie sat with me while I ate and we chatted about all sorts of things. Her family, my parents, our hobbies, my school, my work and co-workers, etc. It was actually a lot of fun. I was about done when Adam came into the kitchen and asked me if I wanted to go play basketball. Yep, there are basketball courts here so we didn't have to go far. We played for a few hours then took a break for lunch, which was a BBQ Ms. Debbie insisted upon doing. After lunch, Adam, Ms. Debbie, Garret and his girlfriend Linda, and I watched movies and played video games until late afternoon. Ms. Debbie went to prepare dinner while the others dispersed to do their own thing. So, I went to my room. I kept busy doing school work.

I am brought back to the present and am interrupted by a ding from my phone telling me I have a text. It's from Maureen! I haven't see her all day. I really want to ask her out to dinner, for a date. I feel better about asking her now since I'm 18. I know. I know. I just turned 18 today but still.

**Text from Maureen**: Happy Birthday Wyatt!! :) I'm so sorry I have not been able to spend time with you today. I really wanted to. Some unexpected business came up that I had to deal with today. I hope you've had a good birthday so far. I will make sure I am home for dinner. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I'll understand if you already have plans.

She asked me to dinner?! Shit, she asked me?! She beat me to asking for dinner. Oh, well! I don't care. I'll take it. I get to have dinner with Maureen! On my birthday at that!

**Text message to Maureen**: Thank you. I have had a good birthday so far. The best one since I was 6yrs old with my parents. Thank you again for allowing me to live here. No, I don't have any places for dinner tonight. I would really enjoy having dinner with you. 

**Text message to Wyatt**: No need to thank me. I'm glad I could help and you are here. I should be back in awhile and will let you know when dinner is ready. Wyatt, I also have something important to discuss with you.

**Text message to Maureen**: Ok, sounds good. Is everything ok?

**Text message to Wyatt**: Yes, everything is ok. Just something I need to let you know about.

**Text message to Maureen**: Ok, see you tonight.

She has something important to talk to me about. Maybe she is going to start charging me rent? Maybe I need to start finding another ride to work instead of Adam driving me? I wonder what it is?! I hope it's nothing bad.   

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