Chapter 28-Wyatt's Birthday: Part 3

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Maureen POV

I'm siting on the floor in my living-room looking at movies for Wyatt and I to watch. I start calling out titles, not thinking much about them really. I just want to spend time with him. 

Then, I hear "Thank you for the watch. It's awesome" from Wyatt. Did I hear him correctly? A watch? I didn't get him a watch! 

"I'm sorry what? A watch?", I ask him just to make sure I heard him correctly since I was a bit distracted with calling out movie titles to him. 

"The watch you left for me outside my door earlier. I really like it", he continues.

Something is wrong! I never left him a box of any sort, especially not outside his room! "I didn't get you a watch! Don't put it on! Let me see it!", I demand but I hear a click! I can sense his pain! He fear! Shit, I can already feel this  and we are not even mated yet! I rush toward him and catch him before he hits the floor. His eyes are closed and he is shaking. I see a tiny bit of white substance at the sides of his mouth. 

"Dr. Reagan! Dr. Reagan! Report to my room immediately! Wyatt is hurt. I believe he has been poisoned!", I practically scream through the mind link.

"Yes Alpha. On my way immediately. Do you know how he was poisoned Alpha?", she questions me while in transit. 

"Stabbed by a metal pin on a mysterious watch he said was left for him with my name on it. I have taken it off his wrist and placed it back in the box. It will need to be examined. Are you almost here?!", I growl through the mind link. 

"Coming up the stairs right now and headed down the hall right now Alpha."

"Dr. Reagan, I feel pain and coldness through our bond. I also noticed some white substance near his mouth. He is shaking slightly and his heartbeat is getting fainter I report to her as she burst through my door. She begins t check his eyes, vital as well as quickly smelling near his mouth and the watch. After what feels like an eternity when in reality it was only a few minutes Dr. Reagan turns to me and states, "Alpha, if this poison is what I suspect we need to act as fast possible. You also need to contact the Brownie Chieftain immediately. I suspect this poison is from the brownie realm and I will need their help to save Wyatt.

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