Chapter 29-Wyatt's Birthday: Part 4

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Maureen POV

"Brownies?! What the hell?! Why would they do this?", I blurt out.

"I'm not sure but you need to contact the Brownie Chieftain right now. I learned about different species, their medicines, and poisons while at school. I am confident so please contact them."

All leaders of the different species have emergency methods of communication. They are portal type lines of contacting each other. I immediately sent a hastily written explanation of my situation through the portal requesting immediate assistance. Within seconds, a short male standing 8 inches high is standing in my living-room. He has sandy blond hair, which is sticking out everywhere, a black shirt, PJ  pants with stars while holding a medical bag. I would lugh if it was not for the serious situation! The next moment the brownie spoke a few words and instantly grew to 6ft. 

"Alpha, I am Dr. Zane of the brownies. I am here upon your request. Let me see the patient please", he says in a deep voice. 

"Yes, right this way. He is my mate Dr. Zane. Save him, please", I plead while not even trying to disguise the worry in my voice.

He looks at Dr. Reagan and I , nods his head, and quickly moves toward Wyatt to begin his exam. This waiting, doing nothing is torture!

**Mate will be ok. Mate will be ok. Mate will be ok.- Shelia repeats, like she is trying to will him to be ok.

Soon Dr. Zane turns toward us. "I am fairly confident I have identified the poison. I will need to take a small sample just to make sure. If it what I believe it to be then I do not have the antidote here. I need to immediately return to my realm for conformation and antidote, Alpha."

"Yes Dr. Zane, of course. Right this way", I reply while we walk toward the portal. He disappears then within a few minutes he returns with a vial. He quickly moves to Wyatt's side, pulls out a syringe , and administers the antidote into Wyatt's arm. "This was a powerful poison. He was very fortunate Dr. Reagan recognised it as quickly as she did and we were able to get the antidote to him in a timely manner. He will need to rest in bed for at least a week. After that, he will need to continue to be careful for an additional two weeks. No heavy lifting or exercise, light walks only. Start off with light foods too such as soups, nothing spicy. He will need plenty of liquids, no juices though due the acids high  likelihood aggravating his system. Pedialyte would be good if he gets tired to water.  Please contact me if you have any questions", he instructs.

"Thank you so much Dr. Zane. Please pass my thanks on your Chieftain as well. I can't thank you enough. I will be contacting me as soon as I can get my mate situated regarding meeting him to discuss this incident", I comment to him. 

"Yes Alpha. I will do as you request. I wish your mate a speedy recovery. Dr. Reagan, a pleasure to see you again. I'm sorry it was under these circumstances", he says. With that, he steps into the portal.

I turn to Dr. Reagan and state, "I want to keep him here in my room. Bring whatever is needed for him here."

"Yes Alpha" and she leaves to begin bringing the necessary equipment and supplies.

***Mind link to Jax and Lucille*** Come to my room immediately.

"Yes Alpha"

They arrive to my room within five minutes. I explain the situation and instruct that a guard will always be outside my door while Wyatt is here. When I have to leave there will be a guard both inside and outside my room. The guard who will be stationed inside the room will be someone Wyatt knows so he is not uncomfortable. We discuss the situation a bit more and they leave to prepare the schedule. They are angry as well at what has happened to Wyatt within our own territory, land, home. 

*When he is strong enough we have to tell him about us, our kind. It is just too dangerous for him not to know anymore.

**Agree-Shelia growls

Finally alone with Wyatt, who is resting,  I carefully lay down beside him on the specious bed so I give him plenty of room. I reach out and hold his hand. I hope this brings him some level of comfort as well as possibly healing since just being near your mate can help with recovery. The electric current I feel while holding his hand would normally bring a smile to my face; however, with him injured beside me it is bittersweet. I take in a deep breath, inhaling his chocolate and peppermint aroma. With that luscious scent invading my senses I drift off to sleep.  

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