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On a hot, mid afternoon, Grandpa Max, Gwen, Ben, and I stood in a long winding line of chattering people. Which led to a video game store, hosting a big sale of the newest Sumo Slammer fighter game. The one Ben had been waiting for quite a while.

Gwen was the least patient of the four of us. Tapping her foot in vexation while her arms stayed crossed. "We've been in this line for two hours, and it hasn't budged an inch!" The redhead groaned, bored out of her mind.

"Small price to pay for Sumo Slammer two point one!" The brunet said, leaning forward excitedly as he eyed the line himself. Checking to see the progress it had made. "I'd do anything to get this game! Even be seen in public with you." He threw the last comment at Gwen with a glare.

Shooting back her own heated glower, Gwen asked, "Don't you already have this stupid video game?"

"Hello, this is Sumo Slammers two point one." Ben spat, holding up his hand with two of his fingers up. Then he mimicked himself holding a controller as he explained the difference between versions. "You can change your fighters color at any time during the match. Duh."

"Is that the only difference?" I piped up, having never thought to ask. I enjoyed the game series and would play once we got it. But if that was the only new thing, what was the point of getting it?

Rolling his eyes, Ben cast a exasperated glare my way. As if I was already suppose to know the difference. "Of course there's more than just that! I just had to dumb it down for Gwen to understand."

Max stepped in before things got any more heated. Gwen clenching at her sleeve like she might just deck someone. That someone being Ben. "You know there's a nice air-conditioned bookstore over there." The elder waved a thumb over his shoulder. "Maybe we can wait inside until this line thins out a bit."

"And loose my place!" Ben exclaimed in outrage. "Not an option! You three go, I'll get my game and meet you guys back at the R.V."

Sharing a glance, I shrugged at the question Max was silently asking. Gwen huffed out a agitated breath, turning and stomping towards the mention bookstore. Max followed, and with one last look at Ben, who threw a thumbs up, I scrambled after them. It would be nice to browse the stories than standing in line doing nothing.

"Want us to pick up anything for you at the bookstore?" Grandpa Max paused mid-step, turning back to his grandson with a curious tilt of the head.

"I'm on summer vacation, why would I read anything."

Deciding to not dwell on it, the three of us left Ben standing in the line, in the heat.


Coming out of the bookstore after hours of browsing felt refreshing. The stuffy, air conditioned inside being replace by the fresh outside. Though the downside to leaving was not getting a new book, nothing having stood out enough to catch my attention.

We headed back towards the video game store. Expecting the line to still be as long as we left it, Gwen smugly piped up, "So, think Ben's gone stir crazy in that line yet?"

"There's a chan-" I started, only to be cut off by an explosion. The three of us snapped our head forward, eyes going wide at the sight that greeted us.

Four Arms bursting out from the game store, black smoke, fire, and bricks following like a deadly shadow. He landed in the middle of the street, scowling as a police car came racing around the corner. It crashed into his legs, and without hesitating he heaved it up and shook it like a school bully would for lunch money.

Beside the fact Four Arms was fighting the police and not a robber or bed guy of any sort, something was off about him. He felt more aggressive, unhinged. Like there wasn't a moral code guiding his actions, just anger.

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