Game Over

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Rain poured in heavy turrets as we sat gathered around the booth in the Rust Bucket. Having stopped due to the weather, Grandpa Max taking the time to nap. Ben was busy playing Sumo Slammers beside me as Gwen and I gazed outside. His headphones on and ignoring the world.

"I'm so bored. Even your stupid video game sounds good." Gwen groaned, tearing her gaze away to look at her cousin. "Let me play!"

"Sorry, already have a partner." Ben mumbled, not even looking up from the screen. "Ishiyama Slam!"

I leaned over, watching the Sumo Slammer character fighting with Ben to attack the opponent. Destroying the machine in one hit. A OP attack if I had ever seen one. One I was familiar with since Ben and I have played it many times over.

"Is the coolest. Kick! Sumo Slammer! Jump! Up Fall!" Ben called out the attacks as he played. "So why would I wanna play with you?" He directed his next question at Gwen.

"You would have let (Y/n) play if she asked." Gwen said, gaining a flustered Ben for the comment. His hands slipping for a second on the controller before regaining his rhythm. "And to prove you're not afraid of getting your sumo butt kicked by a girl."

Ben paused the game, tensing in his spot to glare at Gwen. He tossed her a remote, moving the screen so that the redhead could see it. Then they played. Round after round after round, all ending in Gwen's victory.

"Oh yeah! High score for the Gwen warrior!" Gwen cheered after their latest round. Standing from her seat as she gloated over Ben.

I gave her a round of applause, smiling as Ben scowled.

"Beginner's luck."

"Like all the times you loose to me even though we've played the game for years?" I asked, Ben groaned in embarrassment. 

"Now watch a real Sumo Slammer Samurai!" He tried to recover his pride. On screen Ben's character moved towards the floating chest and hitting it. Instead of a power up or anything good, his character was thrown back as a tall mech of a robot appeared.

"Get his butt kicked by Kenko the Shapeshifter?" Gwen taunted. "Careful, you only have two lives left." She sung out.

Snatching up Gwen's controller, Ben smirked as her character dove off the side of the map. Making her loose a life.

"Ben, no fair!"

"Careful you only have one life left." Ben mocked.

"Guys please! I'm trying to grab some shut eye here!" Grandpa Max exploded from the cot in the back. He didn't even have the strength to roll over and yell at us.

"Sorry Grandpa." Gwen and I chimed together guiltily.

A flash of green took our attention away from the elder and back to Ben. Who was now Upgrade and had fused with the computer to take Gwen's points away.

"Ben! That's mean." I scolded, getting a robotic snicker in response.

"Ben Tennyson, you are such a cheater!" Gwen joined in, waving her fists in the air angrily. "You're going to get yours one of these days." She spat, shaking the device as Ben started to laugh even louder.

I took hold of Gwen, trying to calm her down with my powers. Letting the stars on my skin shine brightly. But one second we were in the Rust Bucket, the next in a shower of light we were suddenly in a ghost town.

Upgrade and I looked around, confused as we shuffled closer together.

That's when Gwen materialized, decked out in a new outfit that matched her character from the Sumo Slammer game. Yellow rings that spawned her in disappearing in a blink. I looked down at my own outfit to see it hadn't been changed. My starry skin was still on full display too, travelling all the way up to my shoulders and neck.

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