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The Rust Bucket raced across the highway under the steady hands of Grandpa Max, trying to keep up with a armored, red car. Gwen and I watched from the passenger seat as the blinding, flashing lights of the police cars passed in pursuit. Their target drawing further and further away.

Though not for long as blue spikes of blue erupted from the earth. The handy work of Ben, or rather his alien form Diamondhead. Wherever he was during this chase, I cheered on mentally, sending a little push of my powers his way for extra energy.

The driver was too late to swerve out of the way, racing right over them and popping the tires. Without the wheels to keep the armored car going, it spun around until it crashed against the barrier that guarded the roads.

Police cars surrounded the large vehicle like a pack of dogs. Lights still flashing in warning. Helicopters cycling around the scene to record everything for t.v.

Max pulled the Rust Bucket as close as he could get the R.V without endangering us or the vehicle. My powers hummed in response to my excitement as I watched the scene play out before us, like a fight in a action movie. One I wished I could join.

The door to the red car swung open, and out stepped the thief and driver of it. They wore all black and a pair of night vision goggles rest over where the eyes would be. Though as they got out, they struggled with something that was still inside. Wrestling with it until, finally, whatever was inside gave up. They dragged it, a he I realized as I squinted at the figure, out and held him in a choke hold.

The other criminal, wearing similar gear, got out. Wielding a gun of some sort. Without any hesitation, they took aim the minute their feet touched the ground. Firing a blast of electricity, instead of bullets, at a police car.

The police barely vacated as the car got hit. Sending it flying in an explosion of flames and smoke. It crashed back down, the shattering of glass filling the air.

What the gun wielding criminal didn't know was that Diamondhead was behind them. The smoke from the crashed armored car clearing to reveal the blue alien glaring down. They must have sensed it though, as they whirled around to meet Diamondhead straight on. Pointing the electric gun right at Ben as they backed up.

Diamondhead sliced through the weapon, watching as the criminal instantly made a break for it. Which didn't last long as he got trapped in a stalagmite of blue crystals. The helicopters moving in closer for a clearer view as the criminal struggled to escape. Not that he could get far.

Behind Ben popped out the second criminal with the hostage. Who looked like he was about to pee himself with how much he shook in his captor's hold. Even though the criminal wielded no weapon that I could see.

Diamondhead whirled around, holding up his hand and changing it into a sharp, jagged point. The robber took one glance at the crudely made weapon and stuck his hands up in surrender. Letting the hostage run for the safety of the alien and police behind him.

A job well done, I thought.


Though out in the emptiness of space, a certain individual thought otherwise.

"We don't know where these strange creatures come from, but they seem to be here to help." A human native to the planet below commented over a newsfeed with a familiar blue alien on it. One that, he had dealt with many a time in the past.

In his healing chamber he shook with fury, watching as multiple screens played the same footage that the humans recorded for news. Such a waste for such a powerful device. Stuck to a foolhardy creature with no concept of what actually mattered, the conqueror thought. Not realizing that he spoke some of his mind out loud.

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