The Alliance

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Floating quietly in the middle of space, was a familiar red spaceship seen in past chapters. A hatch on the side of the ship cracked open, two oval drones, dark red in color, raced out. They headed for the planet below, better know as Earth. Their search had begun.

Inside the ship, watching from a monitor, sat a small, stout alien. It's strange suit, with no apparent viewing space, faced the glowing screen. The creature watched the drones progress until they lost site of them. It slowly turned to face a large healing tube. The only sign the machine was working coming from a glowing triangle in the middle of it. 

"The drones have launched." The minion reported proudly. "Equipped with the improved internal tracking system. They should be able to find and retrieve the Omnitrix." 

A ragged inhale could be heard from inside the tube before the person spoke up. "They may find It-" Another deep inhale inturpted the sentence, "but retrieving it will not be easy. Who ever possesses the Omnitrix continues to be an opponent of extreme danger, and inspiring brilliance."  

The scene slowly cut to a gas station. Bright and cheerful compared to the gloominess of previous scene. A large, pyramid shaped stack of blue cookie boxes taking center focus.

A brunette boy came into out from behind them, a girl with (h/c) trailing after. He clutched at his stomach in pain, bent over slightly as it growled. "Man, I'm starved!"

"That's what you get for avoiding breakfast." The girl chimed in, rolling her (e/c) eyes. The brunette ignored her comment, his green eyes stopping on the sight of cookies. He smiled, wondering up to the blue boxes and snatched the closest one to him.

It had unbalanced the entire stack, sending them crashing down right on top of an unsuspecting redhead. The redheaded girl turned at the last moment, identical green eyes to the boy stretching wide as they came down on her. She got buried, but came up kicking in seconds with a scowl on her face.

"Smooth move Tennyson."    


I followed Gwen and Ben out of the gas station. Ben looking especially smug as he snacked on the cookies he bought. Grandpa Max had given him enough money to get a snack of his choosing.

I gazed at the box, suddenly wishing I had asked so I could get sweets too. When Ben caught sight of my longing gaze, he reached in and held out one of the sweet disks to me. I hesitated, noting the way his face lit up in hope, before snatching the cookie away. Turning away pointedly so he knew I was still upset with him. I ate it in one bite, letting the flavor explode against my taste buds.

"Who's the hungry one now!" Ben snorted, though I did note the lighter, breezy way his voice sounded.

We approached the Rust Bucket, watching as Grandpa Max wiped away blue writing that said "wash me". He notice the three of us hovering to the side, and decided to make a comment on it. "Woah, nice artwork Ben."

"You know, makes a statement." Ben shrugged smugly. I elbowed him in the side, then pointed to my own piece of artwork that hadn't been cleaned off yet. It was of a cat curled up into a ball sleeping.

"Mines better!"

A sudden explosion cut Ben off from retorting. Swinging our heads around, we found it originated from a red truck. The back doors were completely destroyed, fire spewing from the back with a aggressive roar.

"No! That's a statement!" Gwen shouted in panic. She had her arm raised in front of her, shielding herself from any could be projectiles.

Three masked people stepped into view. Their outfits of matching ripped jeans and shirts, with silky leather jackets stylish despite the crime they were now committing. They were studded with small spikes, though from this distance it was hard to tell if they were sharp enough to cut a person. Each member had a skull armband wrapped around their biceps, and guns held loftily in hand.

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