Under Wraps

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Parked next to a lake, our happy group of four relaxed in the Rust Bucket. Gwen reading her spell book she got from Charmcaster, Ben sitting next to me playing his games, and I reading a fantasy book I had brought along for the summer.

Everything was going wonderfully.

Until it wasn't.

"Gotta love summer vacation." Ben started off our decent into bad luck saying. "Nothing to do all day long but sit around and-" He got cut off as Grandpa Max joined the scene looking beyond unhappy as he slammed a hand down on the brunet's shoulder. "Hey! Grandpa what gives?"

"What gives is that I ran outta water in the shower!" The elder spat, wiping off the extra soap he didn't get time to rinse out. "Again! It's your job to keep the tank full Ben."

"I will, just....later." Ben trailed off, starting up his game again with a grumpy frown.

Gwen leaned forward with a smug smile, lifting a brow as she called Ben out for her lie. "Sure, the same way you're going to make your bed or take out the trash?"

I leaned back into my seat, lowering my book to send Gwen a raised brow of my own. My gaze wondering to the chores Gwen hadn't been doing in exchange for magic practice. Which her grandfather eagerly jumped to call her out on.

"Well you're a fine one to talk young lady. You think those dirty dishes are just gonna wash themselves?"

"Ugh, but it's summer vacation Grandpa!" Gwen groaned in protest, then trying to get the heat off herself she waved a hand at me. "And what about (Y/n), I haven't seen her doing any chores lately!"

I snorted a laugh, finally putting my book down. Raising a hand and letting the galaxy come to life on my skin I made a smiley face in air that appeared like shooting stars fizzing out. "That's because I already did them. So don't drag me down this time for forgetting to do them."

"You forgot last week though." Ben was eager to remind everyone, smirking liking he won.

"Try again when you actually do your chores." I waved off.

"If we wanted to do chores we could've just stayed at home." Ben finished off the argument with a huff.

The handheld radio decided to act up then, playing a petty woman's voice. "Y'all ready for a little fresh air?" Ben, Gwen, and I tensed up as Grandpa Max listened in interest. "Wanna chance to commune with the animals? You know someone who needs to learn the value of good old hard fashion work? Then sign your whole clan up for a week at Derail's Family Farm camp, and experience life on a real working farm!"

Grandpa Max way to invested that I already knew what was going to happen next. Ben did too as we mumbled despairingly, "I do not like that look in his eye."


A half an hour later and we were already pulling up the the farm. The entire mood of the R.V. was charged with tension. Mainly coming from the two cousin's who pouted in their seats.

"Trust me, you're gonna love it!" Max exclaimed cheerily. "When I was a kid I spent every summer on my Uncle Jaida's farm! Learning the value of a little hard work is just what you kids need."

When we parked, Grandpa Max led the not so happy charge to meet the owner. A tall woman with her light brown hair tied into a bun, and what must have been her kid. He had short black hair, and he held a young pig in a hug.

"Welcome, I'm Joan Maplewood this is my son Todd. You must be the Tennyson's."

"Yes, uh call me Max." The elder introduced himself eagerly. Then he swept a hand back at us in introduction. "These tender foots are my Grandkids and their friend, Ben, Gwen, and (Y/n)."

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