Gwen 10

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In the parking of a gas station, the Rust Bucket was put into park next to a gas pump. Max stood beside the vehicle, holding the nozzle up so that the black liquid could be transferred successfully.

I left the confines of the R.V after leaving a snack from the gas station's shop for Ben. A slushie all my own clutched in my hand as I joined Gwen who slurped away at her own. We were waiting for Grandpa Max to finish filling the Rust Bucket, so that we could continue on our journey through the USA. 

The redhead barely noticed when two masked thieves fled from the, now going off wailing of sirens, gas station. Dashing straight at the pair of us, where I dodged just in time to not be trampled. Gwen getting the short end of the stick as the lead robber, with his dollar store, Halloween monkey mask rammed into her. The skull masked partner following light-footedly from behind as they both ran for their motorcycles.

They paused when Gwen, in outrage, shouted at them. "Hey, that was a mega-" Only for it to sputter off as she realized who she was addressing. Their glares burning into her suddenly shaking frame. "-gulp."

"Gwen, (Y/n), run!" Max shouted at us.

The two of us didn't hesitate to duck behind the safety of the Rust Bucket. Peeking our heads out to watch as the two robbers tried to leave. The motorcycle of the, now unmasked, leader between the two refusing to start.

That's when I noticed Ben, down by the road in front of the parking space with his arms crossed. Right in their line of escape, that if they did take off now, he would be run over. But not a flicker of fear shone in his green eyes as a smug smirk decorated his face, glaring the robbers down.

"Ugh, when are these losers ever gonna learn?" Ben called out loud enough for them to hear.

The skull masked robber began to shout at his partner for his early removal of his mask, gesturing to Ben with his head as if to say he was talking about Ben.

I was even more tense than before, squeezing the Styrofoam cup with a death grip to the point it burst. Slushie going to waste as it's sticky liquid now coated my hand and dripped to the concrete before. Not that it mattered with Ben throwing himself into a dangerous situation without a second thought.

"Ben, get back inside!" Max called to his grandson.

The brunet took no heed to the warning. "Are you kidding me? These guys are a piece of cake, and Four Arms likes icing!" He raised his bare wrist, slamming his other hand down on it like there was suppose to be something there.

I almost facepalmed at my friend's forgetfulness, and the fact that he was now staring at his arm in confusion. You asked for this, and still forget?

"Hey, where's the watch?"

The two robbers, realizing Ben had no way to stop them, and was a child to top it off, charged on their motorcycles at him. The unmasked one pulling a metal stick out as he rode closer, raising it to swing at the green-eyed boy.

"This is so not happening!" Ben shouted in fear.

"Ben, don't just stand there!" Grandpa Max shouted, running for a open gas pump and taking up the nozzle. Using it like a whip, he threw it out at the robber. Hitting the man in the abdomen, throwing him off the bike from the force.

The second one revved up his engine, flying into action at seeing his downed buddy. Barreling right for the elder who looked over his shoulder in surprise.

"Look out!" Gwen called out.

Though Max was already a step ahead, taking hold of a trash can and heaving it up with all his strength. In one mighty throw, he nailed the second robber in the head. Gwen calling out victoriously as he hit the ground hard.

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