And Then There Were 10

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Two ships shot through emptiness of space. Beams of red and green torpedo between the two, hostility showing between who ever was aboard the great vessels. The bigger of the two ships, a red coloring revealing its evil intent, fired a large beam blowing the side of the small, blue ship up. The small ship in a desperate attempt to do anything against its attacker, launch a devastating beam of energy back. The  blow had caused a big chunk of the ship to explode leaving it to pause for repairs. That is, until the ship fired again, destroying the blue ship.

While the war raged between the two, a oddly shaped pod launched out of the blue ship and headed to the planet below. The planet, blue and green in color, was known as Earth.

On the victorious ship, a tube filled with an unknown liquid sat peacefully in silence. A mangled creature, squid like in appearance, floated hooked up to many wires. Minions, hunched over in work, bustled around their patient eager to help what was left of their leader. A door opened then, with it came a new minion who skittered forward in importance.

"Hull damage: 20 percent, but the system's still operational." came the mechanical voice of the robot. A hiss, low and crackling, was heard from the tube. In a rasp a voice spoke a command, and threat, "I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way." Red eyes flashed into view as they glared balefully at nothing.


A clock clung to a faded, monotone school wall, right above a blackboard dotted with last minute lessons in white chalk. The clock ticked by with snail speed as many young kids sat in desk with blank stares, waiting for the bell to ring and release them for summer. Among those young kids sat a short, brown-haired kid named Ben, and in the desk behind him was a girl with (h/c) locks and bright (e/c) eyes. It was his childhood best-friend (Y/n).

While Ben was preoccupied watching the clock religiously, (Y/n) sat doodling in a small note book and eating apple slices in nibbles. That is until the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, and the school year for break. Students rushed out in pouring waves eager to get home and have fun, but (Y/n) packed up more slowly her eyes darting to Ben who was being lectured by the teacher up front. Rising to her feet, she made her way up to the teacher's desk determination pumping through her blood.

(Y/n)'s point of view:

"Mrs. Morrison I'm sorry to interrupt, but if Ben and I don't leave now we might be late for a very important date. Our parents would be greatly upset if we missed it." I said to the teacher, a fake dejected sigh passing past my lips. Casting a pointed look Ben's way I saw the smirk he sent my way telling me he understood. Coughing I nodded my head towards the teacher, and he nodded green eyes dancing with mirth.

"Oh yes, missing something this important would be unthinkable!" Ben declared his face falling into a worried frown. The young teacher blinked at the two of us in slight confusion before giving a small nod, eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Well, alright just remember what I said Ben." she sighed shooing us away with a hand. Quickly Ben and I left the room, dashing down the hall before stopping to catch our breath. Laughter spilled from our lips and tears pricked at the corner of our eyes. Standing up straight I gazed over to the green-eyed boy beside me.

"I can't believe that worked on her! We didn't even say what was so important." I chuckled, and watched as Ben broke into another fit of giggles himself. "I know right? I thought for sure she would catch on." he replied. "Speaking of important, we better get outside so that your grandpa can pick us up." I voiced out while walking to the entrance of the school. Footsteps from behind told me that the green-eyed boy was following me. Catching up and falling into step with me, he knocked his shoulder into mine a playful smile gracing his lips.

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