The Unnaturals

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"Bottom of the knife." Ben spoke more to himself than anyone around him. He wound up his throwing arm, ignoring the colorful array that surrounded him of the amusement park. "Two out, full count. Tennyson winds up, and-" He pitches the ball, hitting the stack of plastic president heads straight on.

They wobble but don't fall down.

"No way! This game is got to be rigged. I totally nailed Ben Franklin!" Ben exclaimed to the booth worker, who wore a smirk the entire time.

"Knock over the Ben Franklin's you win a prize. Knock over squat you win squat."

Huffing a breath, I stepped forward and pushed the young man away from Ben. He returned my glare full force. "Let me try then." I pushed the required money into his chest and snatched a ball up.

The worker snorted, but stepped back as Ben seethed beside me.

Letting my powers flow to the surface, I reeled back my hand and pitched the throw. It knocked over the statues and burnt a hole through the tent fabric behind. I smirked as the worker blinked in fear at the still sizzling hole.

Holding out a hand for a stuffed toy, I exchanged a high five with Ben. "Have fun repairing that." I spat, turning and leaving with Ben after getting my prize. It looked like a weird off brand Pikachu. I handed it the the brunet, who squeezed it with the extra anger he still had pent up.

"You'd think in the city of brotherly love then wouldn't cheat at the carnival games."

"Eh, what can you do? My mom says carnival games just want to get your money." I shrugged, still buzzing with energy after what I did.

The two of us joined Grandpa Max and Gwen at the corner of another booth. The elder smiling down at us endearingly. "That's the way life is Ben, (Y/n). You win some you loose some. Now come on, you can't visit Philadelphia without seeing the Liberty Bell!"

"If I just went hero, I win every one of those stupid games." Ben continued on with his rant. "Just like how (Y/n) won back there."

"Hey! I thought I was being sneaky this time!" I groaned, darting a nervous glance around the crowd for any awe struck gazes directed at me. "I really hope no one saw."

"Don't worry, I just notice the way your skin glittered before you threw." Ben answered, waving off the worry by tossing the prize and then catching it. "And because of the sizzling hole you left in the stand."

I ducked my head in embarrassment.

Gwen still pitched in her own grain of salt to the conversation. Glaring heavily at her cousin while pushing his shoulder. "Sure, use the most powerful device in the universe to cheat at whack-a-mole, and worry your "best friend" about her powers being used in public." The redhead used quotation marks. "Real nice."

The three of us joined Max at a cotton candy stand. Where he was buying the sweet treat for a late night snack. Handing one to Gwen and I while Ben walked on, ignoring the entire scene.

A loud honk interrupted the peaceful air of the carnival. A car crashing through multiple booths as criminals drove to get away with their loot. They headed right for Ben, who stood staring like a deer blinded by headlights.

"Uh oh, not good." He mumbled.

"Ben!" I shouted, reaching out to use my powers or something to save him from the car.

Grandpa Max moved faster, Scooping Gwen and I up and diving for Ben. He knocked the brunet out of the way just in time. All of us collapsing just as the truck swerved and beelined down a new get away path.

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