A Small Problem

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"Six stories of twists and turns!" Ben exclaimed as we all gazed up at a massive water slide. Yellow tubes, turning this way and that as faint screams of joy could be heard coming from them.  A sign at the entrance read, "Riptide Rapids". Just the idea of going down it sent a rush of adrenalin pounding through my veins. It's not often we got to go to such a nice water park.

"Hurtling down at two hundred foot plunge!" Gwen chimed in joyfully.

"At speeds of over twenty-five miles per hour!" I gleefully said, clapping my hands together.

"Then splash down in a churning three hundred thousand wave pool!"

All three of us turned to each other, smiles engraved on our faces. Our next words said in unison, "You've entered the Riptide Rapids Zone!" Ben and I shared a high-five before racing off down the pirate themed path.

Fake cannons lined the walls, which looked similar to castle bricks. The higher we climbed the more it changed to wooden boards. Giving a more old ship-like vibe.

Gwen drew ahead of us as we reached the last arch. I could already see the line of water soaked people waiting for their turn. Just as Ben and I were about to pass the employee who manned the slide, he put his arm out. It stopped Ben in his tracks, while I scrambled to a halt beside Gwen.

"You're too short."

"What are you talking about!" The brunet spat at the man. The worker's response was just a bored sigh and a point of a finger. Following it, I slapped a hand over my mouth at the sight of a cartoon styled narwhale with "Minimum Height" written on top. Ben barely reached the horn.

"But I'm almost-"


Gwen walked up to her pouting cousin, a mocking pity in her gaze and stance. "Sorry. I heard the baby banana boats are fun for the smaller set. C'mon (Y/n), we have a big kid slide to ride." The redhead darted over to me, linking her arm through mine as she tugged me away.

I shot a apologetic smile over my shoulder. Trying to ignore the stormy way Ben hunched in defeat and stalked away. "I kinda feel bad though. He couldn't stop talking about it on the way here." I said to Gwen as we waited out turn. The kids in front of us shifted restlessly on their feet, whispering to each other in their excitement.

"Oh, don't worry about it! Ben'll have to get over it. It's not like he could grow ten inches in a second." Gwen waved it off, then she leaned closer with a grin. The screams of approaching children almost drowned out her words. "We're here to have fun, so have fun!"

"In nineteen fifty-one, when this water park was a cornfield, recently classified documents suggest that an alien spacecraft crash landed right here." I faintly heard a man say.

Curious, I glanced back to see a man wearing glasses and a life vest talking to the same employee that denied Ben from the ride. I vaguely heard Gwen shout as she went down the water slide. My attention slipped though, when I spotted movement around their feet. It took a moment to realize what it actually was.

Ben, as Grey Matter out of all aliens, was tying the laces of the worker. His tiny body shaking with contained laughter.

Before I could do anything about it the employee called for the next in line. Which just so happened to be me. I went over to the yellow tube that would take me down to the wave pool below. Sitting on the edge I waited for the light to turn green, signaling it was safe to go.

That is until Ben hopped over to sit beside me.

"Hey! Race you to the bottom!" He challenged in Grey Matter's high pitched voice. Without waiting or me to say anything he pushed himself off, disappearing into the dark tunnel.

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