Ghostfreaked Out

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"Help I can't get down!" Screeched a little boy stuck in a tree in the middle of a park. He clung to the branches like his life deepened on it, a frisbee he had been reaching for forgotten in his fear.

Gwen, Ben, and (Y/n) approached the tree, eyeing the boy as he shook in fear. The redhead was the first to call out, comforting to the best of her ability.

"Don't worry, we'll come up and get you!"

"We?" Ben asked in a low voice, turning to face his cousin as if he had been slapped.

"Hey, you're the one with all those alien heroes at your fingertips."

"I'm about to save the day if you two don't stop arguing." (Y/n) sighed, hiding her hands and letting her powers come flowing to the surface. She eyed the tree as Ben stalked forward while activating the watch. The (h/c) haired girl focusing on the boy's emotions.

It was a new concept to (Y/n)'s powers, Ben vividly remembering her trying them out on him when he had grown upset over a level in his game. So here she was trying them out with tentative pokes, emotions clouding the air around the kid. (Y/n) slowly wrapped them to feel at ease. Letting her thoughts of fun summer days at the beach, and eating ice cream fill that feeling out even more.

Ben felt it as if he was the target and not the kid, the emotions and memories swirling like a protective cocoon. 

It was instant, the ease in both the boys' shoulders. Ben activated the watch without worry as the little boy ignored the flash of green. But (Y/n) didn't, her gaze burning the back of the brunet's head. Her gaze feeling more unnerving then it usually did to Wildmutt as he stalked over to climb the plant.

"Oh, good thinking. Turn into the vicious, drooling, alien attack dog to rescue the scared kid out of the tree." Gwen spat, turning away with her arms crossed.

Grumbling, Wildmutt edged out onto the branch, reaching for the kid. Who screamed and shook with fear at the sight of the alien. Breaking free of the protective emotions that the starry hand girl had provided.

"It's okay, I'm here to help get you down." Ben said as gently as he could.

"I don't want to get down!" The voice that came from the kid was now raspy, grating at Ben's ears painfully. Whipping his head around, a single purple eye blinked up at Ben, cracks where skin had been clear seconds ago. "I want out!"

Wildmutt backed off, the tree decaying with every step, the kid absorbing into the branch he clung to. Morphing into a hand so familiar to Ben, as he had seen it through his own eyes. Been that alien with the watch that was glued to his wrist.

"Leave me alone!"

"You can't get away from me." Ghostfreak murmured, taking Wildmutt up in a crushing grip. "Always the hero. What a waste of potential! You want to be helpful? Get me out!"

Ben screamed, tumbling head over heel until his back met the carpeted floor of the Rust Bucket. Awake, the brunet double checking with a pinch to his wrist, he sat up. Noticing the sleeping figures of his two family members and best friend. His eyes lingered there, noticing the starry hand that dangled off the edge of the top bunk. It almost looked like it was reaching for him.

Heaving a deep breath, he slumped in tried relief, knowing that he wouldn't sleep for the rest of the night. Not with those nightmares still so fresh in his brain.


"Ben." Grandpa Max called to his grandson. Who was zoned out beside me and staring at nature as it swept by. "Ben!" the elder tried again.

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