Washington B.C.

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Flames roared with life as they ate at the wood in the building. It was eager to consume anything in its path whether it was living or not, wanting to feel full. A child, a young boy, and his mother sat crouching in the only spots not lit by flames, but it wouldn't last for long.

A part of the roof fell, crashing with a loud bang, and the boy flinched closing his eyes in fear. What he couldn't see though, was the part above his, and his mother's head had begun to break off. It did with a creak and snap of fire and wood breaking filling the air. The mother realized it, and in a desperate attempt at saving her child she shielded his head with her body.

A bang, and a grunt of pain was all the pair heard before they looked up at their savior. Gasps of surprise and slight fear at the flaming, humanoid creature standing before them. The little boy grasped in his mother's arms spoke up. "Who are you?"

The fire spewing creature instantly responded. "I'm here to help." With a groan and huff, he absorbed the fire blazing around the chunk and tossed the part away. Pointing to a set of stairs, the creature shouted, "This way." The mother followed desperate to escape the inferno with her child.

Reaching the stairs, they caved in, stranding the three in the center. The flaming creature panicked, darting his head back and forth looking for a exit. He spotted it, a window with a clear path to it. "Uh, on the second thought. That way." the alien commanded, and the woman obeyed.

The humanoid alien blasted the window apart, leaving a view of the outside night sky. Looking down the creature noted the many firefighters and police circling the building like vultures. Perfect! Returning his attention to the scared duo, he raised his hands in peace.

"You're gonna have to trust me on this part." he said.

A few seconds later and the three now stood on the street, not a single wound on any. Awed spectators looked up at the savior, unsure if thanking him, or fearing him was a better option. The alien raised his hands like a proud king. "I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all on a days work for-" he started, but caught a glimpse of something shiny clasped in the little boy's hand.

"No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card!" exclaimed the flaming alien who leaned down to get a better look. "Where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for that" The little boy sent a confused look up at the creature.

"It was a prize inside a box of Sumo Smack Cereal." the young boy responded, his mother tugged on his arm letting him fall back a pace from the alien stranger.

A honk from a R.V caught the caught the alien's attention. He glared over in irritation, spotting a rusty, old vehicle parked a distance away. In the front was his three companions, a elderly man, a young red-headed girl, and lastly a (e/c)-eyed girl who all gazed on with different expressions. Two looked beyond exasperated and impatient, while the last watched in envy.

"Yo, super doofus! The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!" the red-head, also known as Gwen, shouted. The fire creature, Ben, took one last glance at the golden card before approaching the Rust Bucket. "Uh, I knew that."


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Knew I should have got those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance." Grandpa Max sniffed looking faintly upset by the smoke billowing around Ben, who sat in the passenger seat. I sat at the table with Gwen, watching as building blurred into one giant gray mass from the windows. Anger pulsed through my body as we rushed to catch up with a group of robbers. It was to the point I barely realized when my companion had left her seat.

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