The Galatic Enforcers

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"Ben?" Gwen called to her cousin, who sat on top of a sculpture comic book in hand. It was shaped to appear just like a human foot, only the color different. Instead a iron, or gray metal of some sort.

I stood beside the redhead who looked beyond annoyed that Ben was defiling a public work by scaling the thing. Though I was too busy thinking of who would think that a foot sized up made art. It was to some extent, but is was just...foot. This museum housed many strange artifacts from artist.

"That's a work of art you know. Not your personal butt rest."

Ben closed the comic, the dazed gaze he had held earlier fading away. He stared at the cover instead of replying, and I realized we had just interrupted whatever imaginary world he had lost himself in.

"Do you really think anyone has noticed or cared? I mean, no one is rushing to arrest us." I mumbled, but a glared from fiery green eyes silenced the rest of my complaint. The girl turning back to her cousin to continue her rant.

"You're going to get us kicked out of the museum!"

"I don't have that kind of luck." Ben stated as he hopped down, meeting Gwen's glare in even measures.

"With your track record, you probably do." I said in reply. Ben scoffing at my words, rolling his green eyes. He opened a pack of chocolate, stuffing a piece in his mouth before offering me a piece. I took it without question, letting the flavor burst in my mouth as I chewed.

Gwen spoke up again, scolding still hot on her tongue. "One afternoon of culture won't kill you."

"Unless it bores me to death."

"Hey, can I have a piece of that?"

Smugly, Ben walked around Gwen snatching up my arm as he passed. "Sorry, chocolates for superheroes only." He said in a superior tone, nose pointed towards the sky like that of any snooty rich person.

"Wait, but I'm not.." I trailed.

"Yeah you are!" Ben cut off before I finished, "You're like my sidekick when we fight the villains who come our way."

"I am not your sidekick." I yanked my arm from his grip, watching his face fall as he realized his mistake. Approaching the stair case, I took them two at a time, leaving the brunet in the dust, not wanting to hear him make a fool of himself to fix it.

The sudden rumbling in the air made the two of us pause. Just as a spaceship passed overhead. It looked like a dragonfly, but without the head or wings. It flew low over the city, heading to land somewhere close by as it disappeared from view.

"Maybe this won't be such a boring day after all!" Ben exclaimed, taking off in hot pursuit of the spacecraft. I followed along, both of us reaching the scene just as the door opened at the side of the ship.

In the doorway stood a tall alien, heavy plated armor protected their body and spikes poke out for intimation factor. They reminded me of Technorg with their light skin color and the tusks that grew from their chin.

They sprung forward in a giant leap, landing in front of the crowd of people that had formed around the ship. They hastily retreated in fear, watching as the alien stood to their full height and spoke. "Take me to your Bisymthum Alloy."

Everyone froze, confused at the phrase he used. Even Ben and I exchanged confused glances, shrugging at the unknown demand.

The alien did not react well to the silence that dominated the scene. Punching the ground and causing it to crack and splinter in a tiny earthquake of its own. People broke into a run, fleeing the street as fast as they could. Ben and I following, rounding a building just in time to avoid being pancaked by a car. Which came skidding across the concrete in a rain of sparks.

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