Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10 (Part 2)

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(We're almost done with the book! Only two more episodes and then onto Alien Force!)

"Animo, The Circus Freaks, Clancy, Sublimino, Rojo, Charmcaster? Oh man." Ben spat as he listed off everyone up on the hill.

"That's a lot of people who hate our guts up there." I murmured, reaching out a hand and grabbing onto Ben's arm for comfort.

This is starting to become unsafe. Let me take over. (Name) whispered through my mind.

No. I firmly shut down the idea. 

His green eyes darted back to mine, wide with worry. Shaking my hand, it slid down until it rested in his own, giving a squeeze of reassurance.

I smiled weakly in return.

"Who are those metal heads?" Cooper asked, point out the ones we didn't recognize.

"Must be Forever Knight creeps." Ben answered. "What's up with the horns and the cape on that one guy?"

"Since we took out Enoch, maybe he's their new leader." Gwen put out there, though her guess was as good as ours at this point.

Grandpa Max cut in, face set in a grim frown. "Or maybe Enoch was never really in charge."

We didn't get to throw more out there at our guesses, as leaping down the cliff, Thumbhead from the Circus Freaks raced to attack. We went to grab the Rust Bucket as Rojo followed, only to get shocked right before our eyes and fall down.

The windows lowered down with protective barriers and whirling all around us warned that the Rust Bucket itself was on the defensive. While we couldn't see, the jolting and cries of our enemies was enough to tell that whatever was being thrown at us was bad.

Grandpa Max rushed from his seat as the floor beneath the Rust Bucket opened up, he pushed us in, taking the lead as he grabbed gear of all kinds to keep the tunnel going. Eventually stopping and digging up.

There the night air and moon greet us, along with the tore apart Rust Bucket surrounded by villains.

I am insisting on letting me get rid of the threat. (Name) called again, which I firmly ignored. 

"Better hurry before they figure out what happened." Grandpa Max rushed us.

We turned to run, only to stop on horror as one of the Forever Knights in red armor, stood before us.

"Too late." Gwen gasped.

The knight drew their swords, preparing to attack.

Cooper screamed and before any of us could do a thing, he was running away, further into the woods.

"Cooper!" I shouted, running after him with Gwen.

He was too fast, ducking between branches, and stumbling through bushes. In no time Gwen and I had lost track of him in the darkness of the woods. All we could do was march onwards and hope he had stopped to take a breather.

"Let's hope no one followed us." I murmured, checking on a bush just in case.

"Yeah, Cooper's already scared imagine being chased down on top of that." Huffed Gwen.

The two of us stumbled out of the woods into a small clearing. In the middle of it, with his back to us, was Cooper.

"Oh!" Gwen and I shouted in surprise. "Cooper!"

When he didn't respond, much less turn around, we looked to each other in confusion.

"Cooper?" Gwen called again. "Are you okay?" We approached and she laid a hand to his shoulder, spinning the blond around.

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