The Krakken

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It was a cloudy night. Fog rolled in billowing waves, surrounding the wooden pier that stuck out from the shore. Standing on top of it and clad in a jacket and shorts, I stood. Next to me was Gwen, who held a flashlight out onto the water. I also held one, but held it pointed at the boy who insisted on swimming so late.

Ben stood proudly at the edge of the pier, dressed in only swim trunks. He gazed confidently at the water, probably looking for the right spot to jump. The green-eyed boy locked onto a certain area. He backed up, walking right past Gwen and I, before pausing near the end of the wooden planks that met the sandy shore.

Dashing forward at full speed, he jumped shouting cannonball before hitting the water. When he surfaced he spoke up to himself. "Judges' scores... Yes, perfect 10!" he mimicked a judge's voice, then lowered it and made various whooping noises that were suppose to be a crowd. "Yeah! Ah~, the crowd loves him!"

I snorted, watching the idiot swim around and pretending a audience was cheering him on. Gwen flashed the light at Ben, a grumpy frown dancing on her face. "A perfect dweeb is more like it."

Ben sent a gleaming, hopeful look up at us. Sighing, I sat on the pier while setting the flashlight down beside me. "I don't know, it was a pretty good cannonball." I said while closing my eyes tiredly. Ben made a small noise of triumph joy.

"Come on! Dive in!" the boy shouted. I ignored the request, only peeking a eye open to stare at the water that lapped at the peer. Gwen shifted from beside me, leaning her weight to one side. I watched as the light from her flashlight darted across the water.

"Please. Who knows what nasty slimy things are slithering around in there." Gwen said just as the light landed on Ben's floating form. "I rest my case. Come on (Y/n), let's go back to the Rust Bucket."

Grabbing the my own flashlight, I stood up with a large yawn. I took a last look at the green-eyed boy, taking in his disgruntled face at our rejection. He would probably retaliate, especially since he was already raising his arm to strike the water. "What's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet? Am I right (Y/n)." he taunted just as his hand slammed down into the water.

I jumped behind Gwen just in time to avoid the splash. The red-head gasped, surprised by the cold liquid hitting her skin. I giggled at the wide-eyed look that morphed her face. She only sent me a glare in response before glaring back at a laughing Ben. "Knock it off, midget!" Gwen spat before stomping away.

I took that as my cue to leave as well, thoughts drifting back to the blurry dream of stars and a green drama mask with a smile stared down on me. It was weird, yet caused chills to roll up my back in dread.

The sound of struggling made me pause mid-step, then completely turn back to the lake when Ben's shouts of panic filled the air. There was a sound of water splashing about, and gurgling before the pier fell silent again. I was wide awake now, fear pulsing beneath my skin.

Gwen's flashlight pointed back at me as I was closer to the edge then her. I could feel the question look she sent me, but I shrugged in confusion. We both approached the water, Gwen pulling ahead to get a better look.

"Very funny, Ben. I'm not falling for it." the red-head grumbled, though I heard the underlying nervousness that buzzed in her words.

"Ben, if this is a prank it's not funny." I shouted at the water. I knew of the boy's love for pranks, being his victim to many of them before. Bubbles foaming at the top of the water was the only response the two of us got.

"Ben?" both Gwen and I called.

In a burst of water and mud, a creature rose from the lake. Its bulky shape and fearsome growls made me and Gwen back up. The red-head let out a screech while I threw my flashlight at its head in a desperate attempt at stunning it. The need to protect Gwen taking over and dismissing the haze of sleep surrounding me. The affect of the hit seemed to do the opposite of what I intended, as it growled much louder.

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