Monster Weather

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Following a flowing crowd that all rush to join in the festival ahead, Gwen, Ben, and I shared confused glances. It wasn't so strange the energy with the music blaring so loudly it was hard to think. All types of bands were stationed here to meet and greet fans, maybe even play. It wouldn't be a music festival without them.

What made the three of us stop in our tracks was the way Grandpa Max was dressed. Sandals with boot cut pants and a vest with a peace symbol thrown over his usual Hawaiian shirt.

"Come on! We're gonna be late!" The elder waved us forward.

We cringed away from him, embarrassed. Ben was the first to voice our shared confusion, taking off his headphones to hear better.

"For what? Like anything exciting gonna happen at this dumb festival anyway."

We were distracted by a news reporter off to the side. A large robot stationed next to him that had plasma balls for hands and a head. There was even its name, S.A.M., painted across its front in bold red.

"So expect another scorcher with highs at downtown Chicago to top ninety." The reporter said, turning to the robot with a smile as it spoke up.

"And with no rain in sight it's enough to make my cranium rotate." S.A.M.'s head popped up, plasma sparking as it spun around and picked up speed.

"Not so fast S.A.M. This meteorologist thinks Chicago drought might be over. This is Vance Wetterboy reporting." As soon as the camera was lowered, the man slumped tiredly. He dug out a script from the back of his pocket to read over.

Wanna bother him? I transmitted to Ben. His response coming fast since we had been using my new ability like crazy, so he wasn't jumping every time I did it.


We took off before Grandpa Max or Gwen could do anything. The redhead actually rushing to join us. Going up and shouting a shared greeting. "Hey!" Ben rambled on with excited recognition. "You're the weather guy! We saw you and your robot on tv last night."

Ben put his hand to one of the plasma balls, his hair sticking up as we all laughed. Except for weather man who glared down at us.

"The Sounding Anemometer Metagraphy is no robot. He's a sophisticated weather monitoring aporetic created by me! But corrupted by a news station merely after a gimmick."

"Dude, we just wanted to see the robot. No need for a villain backstory." I muttered, putting my own hand to the plasma ball just to feel the weird shock of the power beneath. I took it off just as quickly when the news reporter glared my way.

"Uh, okay? Whatever." Gwen mumbled after, leading our small group of three away from the bitter man. We rushed back to join Grandpa Max, who waited patiently while we had greeted the robot and man.

We followed the elder to the stage in the festival. Where a band played away like no tomorrow. Gwen and I swayed to the beat, the redhead getting more into it than me. It gained somewhat uncomfortable attention from some who, just like us, were letting their own moves loose. Ben ignored them in favor of his pod and headphones, listening to his own music.

The weather turned just as suddenly. Clouds overtaking the previously cloudless sky and beginning a downpour. Lightning flashed as I eyed it strangely. So weird after having no previous warning.

The wind picked up while Ben looked at his dancing family appearing embarrassed himself. I kept my own gaze to the sky as the brunet complained. "Ah great! Could this day get any worse?"

I pointed up at the emerging blue water beast. A purple eye in the middle looking down on the crowd as it towered over the stage. "Like whatever that is?" I elbowed Ben, letting my power flare to the surface. I had a feeling we were about to fight the beast as people noticed and panicked.

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