Ben 10,000

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(H/n) = Hero name


"I got the marshmallows!" Gwen cheered as the four of us stood outside the Rust Bucket. Grandpa Max deciding we would camp out for the evening in a forest not too far from Mount Rushmore.

"And I got the graham crackers!" Ben added in, just as pumped up for making s'mores.

"I have chocolate!" I cried last of all, holding the candy bars above my head as I stood between the cousins.

The three of us drew into a friendly side hug, each grinning as big as we could. Gwen speaking up kindly in a chance to convince the elder to go along with our plans. "We'll wait here while you get the firewood so we can make s'mores."

Max smiled, "You know, it is so nice to finally see you two getting along. What did you do (Y/n) to make them agree?"

"Who knows," I hummed, hoping Gwen and Ben could pull the façade up a little bit longer.

Shrugging, the elder finished pulling out and fixing the shady extension the Rust Bucket had. Turning to face the woods, he tossed one last smile over his shoulder. "I'll be back in a jiffy." Then wondered into the trees for firewood.

"Great!" The three of us cheered.

As soon as Grandpa Max disappeared from view Gwen asked, "Is he gone?"

"Yup." Ben and I chimed together.

The cousins whirled to face each other, smiles dropping to sneers. "This is your fault!" They shouted at each other.

"Here we go." I sighed, already knowing it was coming but having no way to stop it. Since Grandpa Max's birthday was very much forgotten in the excitement this summer brought, the two hadn't gotten the chance to get a cake. Or more likely they forgot. Unlike I had, using my powers to make a batch of cookies.

"Grandpa only turns sixty once!" Gwen cried, growling when Ben just dug into the graham crackers. She pushed him, dropping the marshmallows in the process. Then snatched out a piece of paper to hold in front of the green-eyed boy's face. "I had his party totally wired."

"You chose his birthday wish?"

"Wait, what? Let me see that!" I said, taking the sheet from Gwen to see for myself. It was true, the only thing not crossed out from the list that the redhead had made. "Wow."

"And how he's suppose to make one without a cake that you were suppose to get!" Gwen yelled, shoulders tense as she glared Ben down.

"Uh, excuse me. Full-time hero here! When do I have time to go get some dumb old cake? You were suppose to do it." Ben accused his cousin, rising to stand and crossing his arms in defiance. "Anyway, it's no big deal."

"For Grandpa it is." Gwen sighed, anger fleeing to be replaced with sadness.

"So why not one of us just runs and get the cake real fast," I stepped between the two. "There problem solved, right?"

The pair exchanged glances, Gwen already nodding in agreement while Ben's frown grew. When I turned a pleading glance his way, he shied away before he could see it. Instead throwing out a pointed finger and snapping out his next words defensively.

"Fine, let's see who goes. Rock-paper-scissors on three, and (Y/n) you have to play too since it was your idea."

I shrugged, while Gwen leaned in with a victorious smile like she had already won. "You two are so on! Ben, you always lose to me."

Just as the three of us started the match a red symbol appeared in the campsite. The strange lines glowing before swirling into sucking, glowing circle.

Ben 10 (Reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now