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The tale began with it all starting on one mission. Where two blue suited up figures went on a mission under order of the Plumbers. Their weapons drawn and ready for the worse.

For something had been pulling missiles out of their resting place in a military base. Ready for use from the military, only for something to now being stealing them. A selfish, personal gain in mind of a cruel planner.

When they arrived to the scene, the first thing they noticed was the knocked out soldiers. Dark patches on their armor from where they were blasted. The Plumbers then took noticed to two red drones that floated right above their master. A tall, lanky green alien with protective armor and tentacles like a squids that hung from the chin in a beard-like fashion.

The pair were able to blast one of the drones, which instantly alerted the stealing alien of his company. He turned, just in time to shield himself from a blast. Absorbing it like it was nothing, though being sent sliding backwards from the force.

"You." Mumbled the alien as he recovered.

"It's over Vilgax! You're going down!" One of the Plumbers said, pointing at the young conqueror threateningly.

"Many have tried, none have succeeded." Vilgax spat back.

"Until now Slimeball."

In a rush, the first Plumber charged right for the alien. The second lowering his larger weapon as he shouted after his partner, "Phil, wait!"

Phil didn't listen, or didn't hear. To busy firing his gun as Vilgax leaped to avoid. In one kick from the large alien he knocked the helmet from Phil's head. Revealing a young man with slicked back black hair and a scowl decorating his features.

While Phil was still stunned, Vilgax heaved him up by his scruff and locked his arm around his throat. Aiming Phil's own gun back at him, glaring down the still masked Plumber.

The one drone that wasn't destroyed floated over to the closest missile. Extending a robot arm, it began to hack into the system. Activating the missile, and ready for release if its master demands it.

"Back away, or watch one of your cities be destroyed." Vilgax hissed, pointing his borrowed weapon at the masked figure. "Put the weapon down, now!"

They did as said, letting it crashed to the ground in defeat.

"You can't just let him get away!" The hasty, black-haired male shouted. He struggled against the alien, even though he knew that Vilgax had the superior strength.

"Never said I would kid." The masked Plumber stated, before lifting his fist and firing a blast from the tiny weapon strapped to it.

The hit landed its target, knocking the gun from Vilgax's hand. It slid away, landing to far for the green alien to make it to in time to defend himself. Though it didn't matter as Phil lashed out with a hit to the ribs. It unbalanced Vilgax, giving the young Plumber enough time to push him back.

As if it was a signal, the drone launched the missile. If the word launch in big letters on the screen turning green had anything to say about that. The drone went back to the side of its master, waiting for its next orders.

"You're too late."

"Wrong, my timings perfect." The masked Plumber said, kicking up his forgotten weapon and firing. Out came a sticky, green net, which caught Vilgax as it sailed through the air. Only stopping when it latched onto the side of the missile.

"No!" Shouted the conqueror as the missile blasted off.

"What're you doing?" Phil shouted to his masked Plumber in a panic.

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