Lucky Girl

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Standing among ancient objects from the people who came before us was a weird experience. Especially when I felt so connected to them, like I had lived at those times myself. I peered up at a huge mask that appeared like it was frowning. The brown shades dulled its appearance, age making the colors more faded, yet it still brought life. Hollow eye sockets stared back at me, and the longer I stared the more it tugged at my memories.

I suddenly thought of a floating green mask, its smirk playfully craved into its face. A flash of warmth that reminded me of home.

Green eyes flared to life from the brown mask, bright with joy. I jumped back, a short yelp of surprise escaping me.

Ben's laughter registered as I shook my head to clear it from the green mask. Glaring at the burnet, I slammed a fist into his shoulder in retaliation. His mouth snapped shut as he whined in pain, reaching a hand up to rub at his shoulder.

"That's what you get for scaring me like that! I mean, come on, we're in a museum. What if I knocked some priceless artifact over and broke it?"

"Like you ever would. Your way to careful, like you believe something is going to jump out at you at any minute." Ben huffed, turning away to peer at the small crowd that was beginning to surround a glass display case. A familiar red Hawaiian t-shirt stood out against the dull grays and browns. The old man wearing it being Grandpa Max, who was listening intently to the guide talk.

"I'm surprised your not more jumpy with how the summer has gone so far." I grumbled. Ben either didn't hear me or chose to ignore it as he started towards the crowd.

"Come on (Y/n)! Maybe they're finally talking about something more interesting than some old bones found in the ground."

I sighed, shooting one last glance at the large mask hanging from the ceiling before following. Shuffling through the bodies, calling out soft "sorry's" and "excuse me's", I reached Max, and a eager redhead's side.

Bumping my shoulder against her's, Gwen shot me a happy grin. Her green eyes sparkled as she gazed back to an ancient book resting peacefully on a podium. The redheaded girl had always been a huge fan of history and the secrets the past held.

"And behind this impenetrable glass.." The shrill voice of the museum guide stated loudly, " the recently discovered and only known existing copy of the Arcamida Book of Spells."

"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s." Gwen and the guide chimed together. The older woman shot a glare at the back of Gwen's head, spitting out her next words. "Maybe you should work here." The old woman than turned and stalked off, muttering under her breath as she did.

One glance at the green-eyed girl reveled how hurt she was by the irritated guide's words. I reached out a took hold of Gwen's hand, giving it a squeeze of comfort. She flashed a weak smile my way, not cheered up in the least.

Ben leaned in between Gwen and I, making the both of us jump as he whispered. "Don't let that mummy get to you. She's probably older than that spell book." He nudged Gwen in the side before putting his hands over his chest like a mummy and blowing raspberries while shaking his head. The three of us burst into laughter, the ridiculous sight not a uncommon one for Ben.

"I bet you could do the tour better too." I said.

The building suddenly started to shake, and screams of terror broke out among the tourists. My stomached dropped like I was on a rollercoaster, and next thing I knew we were all floating up. Multiple people tried to reach out for the ground, but we were too high up. We slammed into the roof, limbs restricted by something unseen.

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