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"Navajo legend says the web of the dreamcatcher protects the dreamer by holding nightmare in the center, while good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping." Grandpa Max's old friend explained as we all stared at a hanging dreamcatcher attached to a stall.

The elder had taken us to the rolling desert-like plains to let us meet the man. Which Ben had made a big fuss about on the way here.

Ben yawned rudely when the two older men walked away.

"Speaking of sleeping." Gwen spat, forcing her cousin to follow along. I fell in step with them as we explored the town of sturdy, dried mud buildings. Taking in the sights of market activity.

"I know Mr. Green is Grandpa's old buddy, but could this trip get anymore-" Ben started, getting cut off as we joined a circle of watching viewers. Traditional music played from traditional instruments as a girl our age danced to it. Moving with such grace that it captured Ben's complete attention. "-cooler." He finally mumbled the rest of his sentence.

It looked like a light bulb had went off over his head as he darted a fleeting glance in my direction. He focused back on the dancing girl.

I raised a brow in surprise, glancing to Gwen to see my own confusion reflected back. "How much you wanna bet he gets rejected before he even opens his mouth?"

"I got a ten."

"Make it fifteen then."

"Deal." Gwen said as we caught up to Grandpa Max and Mr. Green.

"That's my granddaughter, Kai." Mr. Green was saying to Max, pride brimming in the way he spoke and looked at her. Max wrapped an arm around his friend, a far away look in his eyes as he said,

"The last time I saw her she was barely walking. Now look at her."

We watched on as the dance played out. Mr. Green explaining when he caught sight of Ben's lost yet somewhat mischievous expression, "She's preforming a ceremonial Navajo dance."

Eager to please, the green-eyed boy made up a complete lie. Green eyes sliding to catch my own (e/c) eyes for a second before turning away. "You know, I was hoping to see one of those before the summer ended."

Gwen and I both sent Ben sour glares. The redhead first to voice our shared disbelief, "Since when have you been interested in Native Americans Spiritual Dance?"

Huffing, I knocked my shoulder into Gwen's drawing both pairs of green eyes on me. "Since he saw the one who was dancing." I grinned as Ben's frown, searching my face for something he was looking for and failing. "Say something stupid and it's all over. So try to be smart or I think I'll shoot my shot?" I added on teasingly.

It gained a laugh from Gwen, and a scowl from Ben.

"Only like, forever dweeb." Ben spat at Gwen's earlier question. "It rocks!"

The dance came to a close. The crowd applauding Kai as she walked over to our small group. Her smile exhausted but happy after her dance.

Ben groomed his hair to try and look better, but only succeeding to look dumb. Gwen and I shared bemused eyerolls as the sky darkened with sudden storm clouds.

"You're sure your not doing a rain dance?" Gwen asked.

Kai twirled around, looking faintly annoyed but hiding it well as she spoke up for the first time. "Positive, why?" Her voice was more musically soothing than I expected it to be.

It started to pour, people fleeing to find shelter from the sudden change in weather. But it only got worse as lightning stroke a few feet from us. The air charged with energy as it barely missed hitting to bystanders.

Ben 10 (Reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now