Perfect Day

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"Rise and shine sleepyheads!" Grandpa Max call fills the RV, the clatter and sizzle of a pan following with its own delicious scent.

Ben grumbles, rolling over in the tangles of his blanket as he struggled to stay in the world of sleep and avoid what he knew would be another wacky meal from his Grandfather. Only failing as the watch's insistent beeping comes out muffled from under the covers. The brunet lifts it up, blinking heavily and seeing double as the watch cycles through the alien's icons on the watch's face. "Hey! What's up with this thing."

Before Ben could puzzle to much about the oddity a cry from the bunk above caught his attention just as his redheaded, doofus of a cousin fell. She sat up with a groan, rubbing at her head while glaring up.

"Sorry!" A voice from the same top bunk called out, still heavy with sleep.

Ben looked up, seeing a familiar face he had come to lo-like as his best friend's, (Y/n). He smiled, watching for a moment as they wiped a hand down their face and guiltily laid their head on the mattress.

"I forgot you were there Gwen, sorry."

"You should be!" Gwen spat, finally standing and trudging off to the bathroom.

"Something tells me this is gonna be a good day!" Ben mumbled to himself as he shot one more look over to (Y/n) who had drifted back to sleep where they hung half off the bed. Rising up, he gently shook them awake, then waited his turn to freshen up in the bathroom.

It didn't take long for all three of them to eventually be presentable, all the while Grandpa Max had been cooking up what felt to Ben like a feast for a king. Or a feast for whatever wildlife the elder had possibly stolen from.

Ben, Gwen, and (Y/n) all wondered over to the benched table, sliding in just as Grandpa Max was finishing up.

The elder turned to smile at the three. "Hope you guys are hungry. I've cooked up one of my world famous breakfasts!"

"Ugh, plug your nose and kiss your taste buds goodbye." Ben exclaimed, already preparing to gag and loose his appetite. He caught out of the corner of his eye that (Y/n) had smiled, hiding a laugh behind a cough as Grandpa Max set the plates down before each of them. A win in Ben's book.

Looking down, hesitant on both missing the bright smile his cru-friend had on their face and dreading seeing the meal, much to draw back in shock. Scrunching up his nose, he eyed the perfectly normal eggs, toast, and bacon. There had to be a catch.

"So, is this like groundhog bacon and salamander eggs?" Ben asked.

Grandpa Max laughed, "Nope, nope, just good old American bacon and eggs. But I understand if it doesn't sound good to you."

Ben looked to Gwen and (Y/n), both having glanced at each other in surprise before meeting Ben's. They all took one last glance at the smiling elder, who hadn't moved an inch since announcing breakfast. Almost like he was waiting for a command with his blank gaze drilling into Ben.

He shook it off, quick to start scarfing down what might be the only normal meal he would get this summer. Gwen and (Y/n) doing the same. Ben finished first, belching loudly.

The reaction was instant, both Gwen and (Y/n) stumbling out of their seats and the redhead racing to get out of the Rust Bucket. (Y/n) stayed behind. but had raised a hand to block their nose while playfully rolling their eyes at Ben.

"Huh, must be a new record or something for you. Great job!" (Y/n) cheered for Ben.

The brunet felt put out by the comment though. (Y/n) had never cheered on the behavior, always glaring or sighing in defeat when Ben refused to use his manners at the table. But then again, maybe they were finally just getting the idea. Shaking it off, Ben got up to give them a high five that they offered on his way out to laugh at Gwen.

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