chapter 38

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Everyone looked at each other, they were scared , why because the nurse was completely silent.

Wang Yibo gulped and looked at the nurse. She was looking at them. Suddenly she knitted her eyebrows together and waved her hands .

" Oh the mother. Don't worry he is perfectly alright. He is just tired and sleeping peacefully. " She smiled widely and looked at the baby in her hands. She rocked him slightly when the baby made face like he is going to cry.

The others let a sigh and smiled.

" Can I see him now " Yibo asked.

" I don't know about that. Doctor will say , maybe after he wakes up. " She smiled and went back to the room with the baby.

Wang Yibo fished out his phone from his pocket when the phone started to ring without stopping. He saw the caller ID and looked at others. They where smiling at eachother and talking about the baby.

He excused from there and moved to the corner. Wang Yibo called back and waited for Hao Xuan to pic up the call. With in second ring the other attend the call.

" Is everything okay there" Hao Xuan asked immediately.

Wang Yibo smiled a little and nodded his head even the other can't see him .

" Yes everything is alright and he gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. " He said proudly.

" Thank god. I can't wait to see him. And what are you going to do with him "  Wang Yibo heard a loud cry from the other side.

Hao Xuan gripped on Xie Yang's hairs and pulled it made him cry out loud. A evil grin appears on Hao Xuan 's face when he saw the painful face of the other.

Wang Yibo grinned at that.

" I will come when I see my bunny there"  from the corner of his eyes he saw Ziyi dragging Cheng with him. 

" Tell me the truth , where were you guys. " She asked silently don't want the others to hear them. 

Jiang Cheng sighed and turned back. He know that he couldn't hide anything from her. He explained everything to her .

" Where is he now " Ziyi asked with a dark tone made Jiang Cheng shiver a little. Angry Zoey meng is a scary one.

" At Yibo's place. Don't worry he will take care of everything. " She nodded and their  attention turned back to the door when it opened slightly.

" Mr. Wang Yibo " she called loudly. Yibo looked back at the nurse and immediately ran towards her.

" Dr. Wanna see you. Please come " she said and opened the door wide for him.

Yibo frowned a little and entered the room . He saw Xiao Zhan slightly leaning on the bed with his baby on his arms. A slight frown was on his angelic but tired face.

Wang Yibo Chuckled at the adorable sight and walked towards the bed. Xiao Zhan looked up to him and pouted. Wang Yibo sat on the chair and gave a little peck on Zhan's forehead. He caressed the sleeping baby's cheek and smiled.

" What happened baby . " Wang Yibo asked seeing the pouty face of his bunny.

" It's not fare Yibo. " He said and huffed loudly.

" What " Yibo asked confusedly.

" Look " he moved the cloth which was covering the baby's face and showed his face. Wang Yibo looked at his baby and xiao Zhan with a confuse.

" He doesn't look like me. Not even his nose. He exactly looks like you. " He whined.

Wang Yibo let out a small laugh .

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