chapter 32

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Please ignore my mistakes

"Who was that" that was the first question xiao Zhan asked when Wang Yibo entered the car.

" An old friend mine " Wang Yibo said smiling widely.

Xiao Zhan bit his lower lip and nodded. He glanced at Yibo who was smiling like an idiot. That creepy smile on the elder's face made xiao Zhan angry.

Wang Yibo glanced at Xiao Zhan who sitting there with an unreadable expression. Yibo frowned and continued his driving towards their home.

"Are you okay bunny. " Yibo asked without glancing at Xiao Zhan who rolled his eyes.

"Mmm. " He just hummed.

"Do you want anything to eat " Wang Yibo asked again. He was getting irritated by the silence. The younger were always rambling about anything suddenly became silent, that he couldn't digest.

" No " Xiao Zhan said firmly and kept a face which Yibo find odd.

" Why .. " Wang Yibo glanced at the younger.

" Can you stop talking. I am tired. " He said and closed his eyes.

Wang Yibo's mouth hang open. He didn't say anything after that. When they reached their home it was already 7 pm. Wang Yibo parked his car and came out from his seat. He opened the door for Xiao Zhan and tried to help him . But Xiao Zhan being Xiao Zhan ignored him and slowly walked towards the door.

" I can walk " xiao Zhan says harshly when yibo tried to help him walk properly.

After the dinner Zhan straight ly went to their room and lied down. Wang Yibo took a sigh and sat near him . He gently shook him didn't want to make the latter angry.

"What " he asked harshly. Wang Yibo let out a frustrated sigh and laid beside him . Xiao Zhan furrowed his eyebrows and tried to lie opposite side. Which was really hard for him.  But Wang Yibo stopped him .

" Why are you ignoring baby. " He asked gently while caressing his chubby cheeks slowly.

" Stop annoying me. I wanted to sleep. " He said yanking away his hands from his cheeks.

" No good night kisses. " Wang Yibo asked softly.

The word kiss made the other remember evening incidents. It made him more angry. He glared at the latter who expecting a lovely passionate kiss from his Bunny.

Wang Yibo was stunned by the Bunny's expression. He wasn't scared but the angry cute little bunny made him turned on. ( Seriously Wang Yibo ) .

" Isn't there so many people who willing to give you kisses. I don't think you want mine. " He angrily rambled at him and huffed

Wang Yibo blinked his eyes twice. He was in a deep thought. Finally he got understand what the latter was mentioning about. A small smirk appears on Wang Yibo's lips.

" Is my baby bunny is jealous"

" No " Xiao Zhan shouted and turned other side. Wang Yibo's eyes widened when he heard a sniffing sound. He immediately moved towards him and hugged him from back. He spooned him tightly.

"Shhh.... Don't cry.... Why my baby is crying " Wang Yibo asked and turned xiao zhan's face towards him.  Zhan's eyes were red and his lips were trembling badly.

" Don't cry.. please" yibo said while wiping the tears from Zhan's face. " I am sorry that I let her kiss me.... She was just one of my classmates. I won't repeat this I promise" yibo said desperately.

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