chapter 17

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So many mistakes are there........... I forgot to save this chapter.. so I have to rewrite all ... And I was so lazy to recheck ......

Yibo closed his laptop and the file. He checked the time. Its going to be 12 AM . He was little sleepy now. He came out from his office room walked towards his bedroom. When he passed Xiao Zhan's room a little curiousity take him . He wanted to see how is the boy look like when he sleeps. Just a time before you checked him how he is sleeping he thought. Even he wanted to see his bunny . He slowly opened the room and peeked. He saw Zhan lying on the bed. Now he is facing the wall. Yibo smiled and turned off the lights. Suddenly Zhan get up and shouted at yibo .

" Who told you to turn off the lights"

He suddenly turn on the lights and looked at Zhan . He is looking at him with an angry face . But somehow yibo find out its cute . He wanted to tease him more . But it's not the right time he thought.

"Get out." He again shouted. Yibo rubbed his ears . Zhan's high pitch voice is penetrating his ears like a cricket's sound .

" Okay okay." He closed the door and moved to his room .

He sat down in his bed and lay down. He smiled thinking of his bunny. It will be fun and lovely with him and our baby right he thought him self and closed his eyes.


Zhan was getting ready to go the hospital. He is little afraid. He was standing infront of the mirror. He looked himself top to bottom. He was shivering a little. An unknown feelings. He don't know how to explain that.

" Zhan are you ready. You are talking too much time. " Yibo said and came inside his room. He saw the shivering figure standing infront of the mirror. He furrowed his eyebrows. He realised that the latter is scared. Yibo slowly walked towards him and stand beside him . He stand closer to him and circles his hands on his tiny waist. He can feel that the other one is relaxing by his presence.

" Shhh everything is alright. Take a deep breath " he said. Zhan followed his words and take a deep breath. Now he is relaxed. He slowly looked down. He slapped Yibo's hands that holding his waist. Yibo suddenly removed his hands and moved back . Zhan was very angry. Because of 2 reasons. Number one is he allowed yibo to touch him and showed his weak side to him .

And the another one was he lost that warmest hug suddenly. He stomped his foot and get out from the room.

" What was that " yibo thought and followed Zhan downstairs.

When he came down he saw Zhan standing infront of his car porch with a confusion. Yibo chuckled and lead him towards his new Lamborghini Gallardo. Zhan sat on the back seat. Yibo knitted his eyebrows and looked back .

" Why are sitting there. Sit here. " He pointed towards the passenger seat. Zhan ignored his yibo and looked outside.

" I said sit here " this time yibo raised his voice a little. Zhan pouted and sat there. Through out the journey they didn't talk anything. Sometimes yibo glanced at Zhan who playing with his own fingers.

When they reached the hospital Zhan was sleeping. Yibo unbuckled his seat belt and faced Zhan . He smiled a Little. He tried to wake up him. It was a little tough for him .

"We reached? " Zhan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the hospital. His eyes widened seeing the hospital. He looked at yibo who was getting down from the car . He suddenly hold his hand . Yibo looked at Zhan with a confusion.

" Which hospital is this ? Its not that hospital that my pregnancy confirmed" he was slightly started to panic .

" This one is our hospital Zhan . Don't worry . " Yibo was trying to calm him down .

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