chapter 19

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"Peeking to someone else room is not a good thing bunny" 

Zhan startled by that sudden voice. He never thought he will caught just like that. But I came to see him right he thought.

Zhan slowly turned back and saw yibo standing there with a blank face.

"What are you doing here. " He asked.

" Mmmm.... I....." Zhan tried to speak but stopped.
Yibo was waiting for his explanation. " Yes you" .. yibo slowly took  one step towards Zhan . Unknowingly Zhan take one step backwards.

" I...." Zhan was not looking at Yibo . He finds out that the floor is somehow interesting.

"Care to explain." Yibo took a deep sigh.

Zhan's eyes widened when his back touched the wall. Yibo was just only few inches away from him .

He find out that his heart is beating fast. His breathing was unsteady. Yibo smirked seeing the flustered Zhan. He decided to tease him more..  He leaned towards him more.  Zhan shut his eyes close and tilted his head.

" I asked you something" Yibo whispered him in a husky voice, near his ear. His hot breath touched zhan's skin make a burning sensation to him .

Yibo leaned back and tapped zhan's cheek to look at him. Zhan slowly turned his head towards him and their eyes met. Yibo's stare , sending a shiver on his spine.

" I..... I was looking for you" he shyly said.

" Why.... Is there anything important my bunny" yibo whispered. But zhan's shyness suddenly changed he pushed yibo away from him . Yibo dumbfounded.

" I told you don't call me bunny" he said furiously.

Yibo sighed and said" once I said that I have the right to call you like that. ..right "

Zhan made an angry face which yibo find so cute.
"Okay now tell me what you want" Yibo stood straight and looked at Zhan . Zhan took a deep breath before he looking straight at Yibo's eyes.

"What do you mean by that " he awkwardly rubbed his cheeks.

" Ahhh... What you mean " yibo asked confusedly. He don't understand what was Zhan talking about

" At hospital. You said to me that  Eat anything that someone gives you and blame me later if anything happenss.. what do you mean by that" he curiously looked at him . He was expecting an answer which make him little happy.

Yibo sighed and turned back. Zhan was confused by his action. "Please" he mumbled slowly.

" Its nothing you go to bed.  Its really late. " Yibo said without looking at xiao Zhan.

"No. You have to tell me what you mean by that" Zhan said sternly and sat on the floor like a little child. Yibo turned to Zhan and sighed. He kneeled down and cupped the latter's cheeks. Zhan looked at yibo with a pout.  Zhan grabbed hem of the latter's shirt and pleaded like a baby.

" Why all of sudden. " Yibo asked.

" I am just curious. Please please"

" Even if I told you everything you won't trust me" Yibo shook his head.

" I will trust you. But you have to tell me everything. " Zhan bit his lip out of curious.

" Okay I will explain you everything" he said. Zhan smiled widely at him . He made yibo sat on the floor just opposite him . And held his both hands.

" That day, it was not me who drugged you. It was someone else. You can ask Ziyi too, that day she asked about you to me. We just thought you left with your friends. I found you at the parking area," yibo stopped there. He looked at Zhan who thinking deeply. He just wanted the latter trust him . He really wants

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