chapter 35

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Plz ignore the mistakes.........

" You are sooo handsome"


" You have a beautiful eyes "


" Your smile is so cute "


" You will be a good husband and a good father "

".....,..... "

" Ahhhh Bo say something " Xiao Zhan pouted and whined.

Wang Yibo stopped working on his laptop and looked at the whining boy who sitting on his lap. He sighed.

" Everything you told was true...... And ...... " Xiao Zhan looked at him with a hopeful eyes.

" I am not giving you a single scoop of ice cream. " Yibo said sternly and turned back to his work.

Xiao Zhan huffed and struggled to get out from Yibo's lap. Yibo took his arm and his other arm supported the younger's back. After a lot of struggling he came out from Yibo's lap.

" You know you are so ugly and you are the worst person on this world. " Xiao Zhan shouted at him . Yibo just nodded.

Zhan sat on the couch and looked at yibo who still working on his laptop. He didn't even glanced at him once. He want attention from the elder. Yibo was busy with his office work and he wasn't giving more attention to the pregnant man, its making the other angry and sad.

And moreover he was just craving for icecreams. It was super rainy outside and the cold atmosphere made him more needy. He is having a little fever and the doctor strictly prohibited him to eat cold foods .

Yibo glanced at Xiao Zhan who sitting on the couch with puffy eyes. His lips started to tremble. Soon started to sob. Yibo sighed and sat near him .

Xiao Zhan turned to the opposite side with a huff. Yibo chuckled and hugged him from the back. He rested his chin on Zhan's shoulder and rubbed his belly slowly.

" Please understand bunny ... You can't eat icecream. Its dangerous for you and our baby. " He said softly and gave a little kiss on Zhan's cheeks. Zhan tilted his head and looked at yibo over his shoulders.

" I am not sad about that " he mumbled slowly. Yibo knitted his eyebrows and looked at him .

" Now a days you are too busy and you barely spending time with me " a small sob came from his mouth.

Wang Yibo chuckled and cupped Zhan's chubby cheeks with his both palm . " I know baby... And I am sorry for that.... This project is very important to me . And why I am over working now, as soon as I finish this I can spend more time with you. And 2 weeks later is your due date. I have to be with you. " He said and pecked on Zhan's lips who trying his best to not cry.

" And what about cream cake. Its okay for you " Yibo asked playfully. Zhan pouted and slapped softly on Yibo's shoulder. Yibo leaned forward to capture the latter's lips.

Their lips moved in sync. No tongue involved. Full of love. But soon broken by Zhan's little yelp.

He hold his belly with his arms. Yibo got worried.

"Are you okay " he asked , Zhan slightly nodded and smiled.

" Baby again kicked me. " Yibo sighed.

" I think my daughter is little possessive. She don't like you kissing me " Zhan confusedly looked at yibo who softly rubbing zhan's big belly.

" Daughter ?! " He asked.

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