chapter 27

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Wellll .... Surprise....... Double update... I can't believe this...

Lot of mistakes are ahead..I warning you guys...

Something is happening to me 😜😜

Ziyi was fuming in anger. She felt betrayed. By her boyfriend and bestfriend.

Jiang Cheng was looking at her with a blank expression. He was expected this when she came to know everything. But he never thought it will be this soon.

She tried her best to not burst out infront of her boyfriend. They were not alone in that house. Her soon to be laws are there. So she tried.

She took breath in and out . Her eyes were closed tightly. After calming down she opened her eyes and looked at him .

" Since when you two started this drama. " She asked.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and looked back at his files. She was done with his damn attitude. She stood infront of him at the speed of light and shut his files harshly.

"Don't fucking dare to ignore my questions Mr. Jiang Cheng" she shouted.

He took a sigh and leaned back to his chair and looked at his angry girlfriend.

"Since I came to know your fucking brother has an eye on my brother" he glared at her. She was taken back . Mostly confused.

"I don't get anything,that you are saying Cheng" . She was calm down a bit.

"My little brother was drugged on our engagement party" he said calmly.

"Wha .. what.... Who ... And why " she asked.

" Your brother and your parents. And about why I don't know what made your brother to do that but about your parents......

Only because of his bank account" he clenched his fist tightly.

Ziyi bit her liips. She was breaking down. She can't deny or take her parents side saying it's just a misunderstanding . Because she clearly know her parents behaviour. They will do anything for money.

And she was witnessed once her parents told her brother to make Zhan his own.

A-Cheng felt guilty. Seeing her eyes he slowly walked towards her and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and cried.

"I am so sorry Cheng . I don't know why they behaving like that. " She cried silently hugging him tightly.

"Why are you sorry. I really wondered how you become like this when you have a parents like them . Are you sure that you are their daughter. "

Ziyi chuckled and hit his chest slightly. Cheng wiped her tears and gave a peck on her lips.

"So tell me everything clearly. " They sat down on the couch.

"I heard your brother and parents conversation the next day of our engagement. After Zhan coming back. I clearly heard he drugged him and he drank that . But where did he go that he didn't know.

When I came to know yibo is the one who made Zhan pregnant I got angry but I think about it. I know he is a good guy. " Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes when he saw Ziyi trying hard to control her laughing when he said yibo is a good guy.

"Don't laugh " he glared.

"I am sorry" she said and put her fingers on her lips.

" And I thought it will be good if Zhan stay with him more than coming with us here. But the problem was Zhan never going to agree that"

Ziyi furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Cheng suspiciously.

"Don't fucking dare to tell me you used our relationship to him for staying with yibo. " She stood up immediately.

He held her hands together. Don't think he was trying to calm her down or something .

He was afraid. He clearly know she will slap him when he tell the truth.

" I did. "His grip on her hand tightened when he sensed she trying to free her hands.

" How could you " she shook her head. "my poor baby Zhan . " She glared at him.

"Then what was that drama, the day we came here. "

" Well we can't say him to stay with yibo . And about the punch. " He smirked.

"Whatever. When we are going back" she asked.

"Something is wrong there. We have to go back soon. Jiejie is sad I can feel that. As soon as my work completed" he said and Ziyi nodded.

Xiao Zhan opened his eyes when he felt some weird feelings in his stomach. He felt like he wanted to puke. Zhan immediately got out from the bed and ran towards the bathroom. He puked everything inside the toilet and sat on the floor. He was really tired. He felt like he will cry any time.

(I wrote this based on my sister's pregnancy period. She was perfectly alright upto her 5 th months. After that she started to vomit my poor sis)

Hearing the sounds yibo immediately ran towards the bathroom and saw a sobbing Zhan . He panicked.

"Are you okay baby. What happened. " He picked up him from the floor and made him sit on the bed.

"Are you okay" he asked.

Zhan nodded and hugged Yibo .

"What happened bunny" he asked. He was worried.

" Can we go to Kuan ge's home. I wanted to see A-Yuan" he slowly mumbled. After puking everything from his stomach he felt so weak .

Yibo patted his back " yes we can go. First you go and freshen up. And eat something. Do you want to go hospital " he asked in concern when he saw the tired face of his bunny. Zhan shook his head and slowly stood up.

Wang Yibo helped him to wash his body when he find out the boy is too weak to do anything.

"Stay here I will go and get your breakfast okay" yibo tried to stood up. But Zhan stopped him " don't go," he said and sat on Yibo's lap and snuggled closer to him.

"Bring our breakfast here. "He ordered to the maid.

After sometimes the maid brought their breakfast. Yibo tried to make him eat his food. But Zhan was behaving like a child.

"I don't want" he whined and snuggled closer to Yibo.

" Last bite bunny . Please, if you don't eat I won't take you at Gege's home" yibo said sternly.

Xiao Zhan pouted and eat the food.

It take a little time to bring the cheerful bunny Zhan back. He happily changed his dresses and looked at the mirror.

"Wooowww you look so pretty xiao Zhan. I feel proud for you " he said himself and patted his shoulder.

He looked at his baby bump and smiled .

"Mama is waiting for you my pup. " He caressed his baby bump.

'wait a minute..... Mama.... I am a boy... So dada.. then what is yibo ... Papa.... But I ma the one who giving birth... So mama right. .... Ahhh this is so confusing' his thoughts broken by Yibo's loud voice.

"Bunny come fast we have to go now" Zhan immediately ran out side and next thing was the stairs........

And he screamed.....


"Aaahhh yibo I can't see the steps because of my big stomach......"

You guys scared right...... Hihihi😈😈

Again please forgive me for my bad English and grammar mistakes....

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