chapter 25

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Surprise...... Long one kind a boring.. please accept it...

No proof reading

Zhan stood there like a statue. He was really shocked, his arms around his belly tightened and the fear was shown in his eyes. Yunxi was running towards him like a mad dog ... She raised her hand to stab Zhan on his stomach. He shut his eyes and began to shake in fear.

But someone held her wrist tightly and twisted it. She groaned in the sudden pain and her knife fell down when her arm twisted more. Zhan slowly opened his eyes and saw a very mad Hao Xuan standing behind Yunxi.

"Don' . Dare . To . Touch . Him" he growled at her. Xuan looked at Zhan who trembling in fear. He smiled a bit.

"Its okayy Zhan . Get inside. This is nothing that you wanna watch. " He said sweetly. Zhan looked at yibo who standing the exact position. Yibo nodded and Zhan went back to his room . Before he entering the room he once again looked back . They smiled sweetly at him . When Zhan closed the door both males smile turned into a angry expression.

Xuan pushed her hard to the floor and she fell on the floor with a loud thud. She shut her eyes tight when her back harshly touched the floor. She groaned in pain. Her eyes shot opened when a cold metal thing touched her forehead. She looked at Hao Xuan who crouched down near her with a metal gun in his hand. Exactly positioned on her forehead.

He smiled wickedly at her. " If you made any scrach on his body , no one can find out your body. " He harshly grabbed on her hair and made her stand on her feet and dragged towards the couch. He pushed her on the sofa and yibo came infront of her.


His strong palm touched her pale cheeks. She felt like she will collapse at that moment. Her visions becomes blurry and she blinked her eyes to get back the vision properly.

Yibo sat on the chair infront of her and looked at her. He was looking like a lion and she was his prey, just to kill.

"You are still alive only because you are a girl. And we can end your life and no one will came to know. Even your brother. If you again tried to touch him .... I don't think I have to explain that. .... Yibo gritted his teeth.

"You....... You won't live with him happily..... I ... Will kill him...." Before she can complete her words another slap landed on her right cheek . And this time it was Xuan who slapped her. Yibo just smirked when he saw the pain on her eyes.

He stood and picked the knife she dropped before. And he slowly came towards her with playing with that. When she saw the knife on his hand she tried to stand but Xuan made her unable to move an inch.

Yibo bend down and touched her cheeks with the knife.  She started to shake in fear when he slowly moved the knife across her cheeks. Both male smirked seeing her fear.

She took a deep breath when he moved the knife from her face. But she cried loudly when he cut her palm with the knife.

"Please... Don't do this..... "She cried.

" You should have think properly before when you choose to come here. " Xuan said dramatically and shook his head.

"Its just a signal to your brother. Don't dare to interfere in our matters. We will end you guys before you know" yibo said coldly and called the securities.

They dragged her outside.

"Thanks buddy" yibo said and hugged Xuan .

"No mention dear.... I told you I will dig her out. "

" But how do you came to know. She had a normal background. " Yibo asked confusedly.

"That's where she made a mistake yibo . She came from a normal background but when I looked at her closely her dresses bags shoes everything was limited edition. Stupid girl . So I followed her. And one day I saw her with him . " He smirked at his own words.

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