chapter 9

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Finally I am here .. I tried my best .....


"listen this is the last time . And I never going to help you next time do you got it" Zhan said to Mianmin who following him to the nearest cafe .

  "Thank you baby you are the best " she grabbed his arm and gave a wide smile . He rolled his eyes and removed his arm from her hand and started to walk towards the cafe fastly. She whined and stomped there .
"Are you coming or not ,if you not seriously I will not help you with this assignment Mia " He said

  "Hey you can't .... Wait I am coming baby " she ran towards him .
"Baby my ass..... "
She gave him a sly smile.he furrowed his eyebrows and said.

"If you again smile like that I will leave , and I have to ask you are here to do assignment or do you have any other intentions"he questioned.

She gave him a awkward laugh "why are you think like that Zhan "

"Because you said don't invite Simon and Alex and especially Yubin gege , that's why I asked you" he sipped his coffee

She sighed with a relief. "Oh that's because they will not allow me to complete this assignment and make me angry everytime and about Yubin with my guts I hate him "

"Aww whyyy isn't he is kind "

"Kind....he... You don't know him well he is just an evil man I hate him "she was burning with angry .
Zhan shook his head and explained what she has to do with the assignment. He looked out side the cafe through the glass while sipping his coffee .

"Mmmmm.... Mia ... What do you think about Yibo gege"he suddenly asked without taking his eyes from the busy road . After hearing his question Mianmin smirked . And she cover her smile and behaved innocent and asked .

"Why are you talking about him all of the sudden Zhan ."

"Well I think you guys are pretty close. I saw sometimes you guys are talking. And aah..mmm do you like him " he asked and looked at her .

She closed her laptop and moved towards him and asked"why ... Do you like him "she raised her eyebrow.

"Aahhhh... What the..  are you crazy  IAM a boy and how can I like a man . I am just curious. That's all . He is so handsome and I think you just like him "

"How can I like him . Because he likes someone else " Hearing this Zhan's face become dull and he again looked outside.
Mianmin bit her inner cheeks to control her laughing.

"Well I don't like him . I just like your brother"she again started to work on her laptop.
Zhan widened his eyes and looked at her .

"You ..... Really gone mad girl . 2 days after he is going to engage with Ziyi jiejie. And what are you talking about."

"Well he is not married now still I have a chance " she winked at him .

He sighed" I understand why jiejie hate you this much "

"Hahaha but they are made for eachother and I ship them "she smile at him . He face palmed and chuckled.

"Well Zhan can I ask you something"

"Mmm . "

"You have to be honest do you like Yibo he"

He looked down and said "I don't know.. well when everytime he is near  I can't concentrate anything"

She laughed"you like him Zhan"

"No I don't like him .... I ... I just "

"Just what "she raised her eyebrow again.

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