chapter 7

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"it's already 4pm , Yibo I have to go now"Ziyi grabbed her things and prepared to leave.
"Where???? Do you have a date with that....."
   "Wang yiboooo"

"Okay okay tell me where are you going"
   "Today is yubin's first day at his college and he is not aware of the way ,I have to pick him"

"Which college that he is studying"
   "Travancore University"she said

A smirk appeared on his face   "I will drop you"

"No need man ,it will be a trouble for you"she said and took her phone .

"Oh come on no problem actually I wanted to see zh... Yubin also "
  Ziyi frowned,but she ignored it.
  Suddenly Hao Xuan entered there with some papers
  "Yibo .these are the papers that I wanted you to check"he looked at them and wrinkles his eyebrows.
  "Kind a busy man ,I will check it later "he grabbed his coat and car's key.

"Heyy where are you guys going without me"he crossed his arms.
", Travancore University"he suddenly said.
  "Oh so you are going to see your boy,right"he raised his eyebrow.

Yibo smirked. Ziyi rolled her eyes and went out. Hao Xuan gave Yibo a thumbs up like all the best for his buddy.

   When they reached the college it was already 5pm . Ziyi cursed the heavy traffic and took her phone to call her brother.after the call she looked at her friend. She find out that he is busy looking at someone. She titled her head and looked at the direction of his gaze .

   "Can you stop eyefucking him ,please he is going to be my brother in law soon"she snorted.
He looked at her and winked.He drove the car towards them .
    When an expensive car stopped in front of them, the 4 friends looked at the car with an amaze.
   Ziyi get out of the car and walked towards them . When Zhan saw her a beautiful smile formed on his lips . Yibo mesmerized with that smile ,he was still inside the car and looking at his zhan.
"Beautiful Bunny" he mumbled.
"Ziyi jiejie,why are you here and whose car is this "he asked.

She smiled at him and said"ohh..I am here to pic Yubin and this car belongs to him "she pointed towards an empty place.she knocked the door and asked"are you planning to sit inside the car mr."
    Everyone looked at the handsome man who came out from the car ,Zhan smiled at him and extended his hand towards him for a shake hand . But Yibo was in his dream land .
  "Mr.Wang.????"Zhan called him

   "Eh?"he came out from his dream land and looked at his hand and shook their hands and said

   "You are the one who I met at the bar right, sorry I can't remember your name"he said with an impassive look .
  Ziyi blinked her eyes.she don't know how many times she heard his name from Yibo's mouth , and now he playing like a good man Yibo understand her thoughts and winked at her
  "Oh my name is Sean xiao Zhan,you can call me Zhan ".
   "You look like a bunny ,Zhan "Yibo Said to him.

Suddenly Zhan's face changed into a angry sad and painful expression. Yibo looked at everyone,all are with a worried expression.He looked at his friend.
   "Damn Yibo "she mumbled.

"Is there any problem"he asked .

  "I don't like someone calls me as bunny,I hate it"Zhan said.
   "Oops sorry....I just...."Yibo cursed himself,is everything doomed.

"It's okay.... don't worryy"he said with a smile.
"oh my come.... Zhan it is the first time you didn't get angry when someone called you as bunny". Mianmin wondered.
  "Can you please shut up "he got irritated.
She whined athey ignored her ."anyways Zhan did you see Yubin "

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