chapter 5

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Please bear with my poor English
I already surrender

It was Ziyi sister.... what will I do....she will definitely say to him
..and he will never going to allow me go anywhere....I wanted to cry now very badly.... she looked at me with her burning eyes ,she is very angry.
   "He said you are at Simon's home to celebrate his bday,then what are you doing here."she shouted at me.
"We are just..."Mianmin tried to protect me "SHUT UP,I didn't asked you ,Zhan why are you silent". I wanted to say something before she will do something but words are not coming out...I never know that she is this much scary..I am not afraid of gege but after that day he became more protective and strict and she also .

"Okay if you don't wanted to answer I will ask him to come here ."she took her phone and dialled his number.
I was just shocked by her action and I feel dizzy. But suddenly someone grabbed her phone and disconnected the  call.i looked at him.He is very handsome and very tall more than me .and fair skin . but there were no expression on his face. He was looking at me .
"Yibo ,what are you doing ,I wanna call him "
So his name is Yibo .wait don't tell me he is the CEO of Wang industries which Ziyi sister working.
"Just wait and he is too shocked give him sometime to explain himself"he said to her and both of them looked at me .
  "Come out"she said before going out from the bar.
Now we are at the car parking and she is infront of me.My friend are just behind me, guilty is all over their face.He is leanings towards a sports car and looking at me. I couldn't read his expression, because of his cold face .I think he is waiting for my reply.
"Zhan tell me why are you here instead of his house"she is trying to be calm .
I told everything she looked at them ,her eyes are burning.they lowered their heads.
She was finally calmed down.she took a deep breath and turned towards me .
"Don't repeat this okay,you know why we behaving like this and just think what if your family came to know about this they trusting you very much Zhan"
I only nodded.she patted my shoulder and said"come I will drop you"I nodded and followed her.
"Wait..."we looked at him"
"What happened Yibo"
"If you drop him there will arise a question,like how did you met him ,you already told him that you are here ,so
."he said . now I understand how he became a successful business man at his younger age .
She nodded and turned towards my friends"drop him right now "she said with a stern voice.
Gege and Ziyi sister is made for eachother, because they are soo scary...
When they dropped me at my home I can feel there is a deadly silent,I saw gege and others are at Living room like waiting for someone.I gulped down and walked towards them .
"How was the bday party,did you enjoyed it"suddenly he asked me .
"Ye...yes" I don't know what else to say
I looked at him,there is a fire in his eyes. By that look I understood he came to know everything.
   "Shejie.... I....."
"You broke my trust Zhan "by saying theis she entered her room and closed the door, Gege also .I stood there sometimes,I don't know what to do .I can tolerate everything, except teh avoidance of my siblings.i can't love without them.i love them so much
"Young master do you want anything..."I shook my head and go straight to my room

Night at 2o clock
"Mama .....mama ...."A-ling shook his mother to wake up
"What happened Son ,are you alright Jiang yanli get panicked and touched her son's forehead.
"Mama.... ghost...."he get closer to his mother.
She smiled and hugged her son tightly"no ghost son it's just a dream okay"
  "No mama... You listen carefully,you can here the voice of ghost mama ,she is crying"

Yes he is right she can here a voice, someone sobbing...
Suddenly some sound came from their door
  'tok....tok..tok....'someone knocked their door..

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