chapter 13

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"I missed you bunny" Yibo said while inhaling the sweet scent of Zhan . Zhan was really scared but he struggles to not show his worries. He looked at Yibo who was standing infront of him with a smirk.

" What are you doing here . " Zhan asked.

" What do you think." He keeps staring at the beautiful bunny infront of him.
"What happened to your phone"

"It's ... It's broken. ....."suddenly his phone started to ring. Zhan gripped on his pocket tightly where his phone was. Yibo slowly put his hand on Zhan's pocket to take the phone. Zhan gulped. He bit his lower lip by the sudden sensation. Yibo took out the phone . He looked at Zhan

" I... it yesterday.... My shijie gave this to me..." Zhan said . Yibo chuckled and take one step towards Zhan . Zhan maximum pushed his body towards the wall.

"I didn't ask you anything bunny" he said to Zhan's ear. " Zong ge ...." He read the caller ID and looked at Zhan

" It's my brother in law... I came here with him...." Zhan suddenly said.

" Why are you tensed my baby. Answer it. " He gave his phone back. With the trembling hands he take the phone from Yibo .

"Hello gege. ... Washroom gege....... No no I will come ...." Suddenly Yibo touched Zhan's face . He began to cares it. He strokes his lips slowly. Zhan gasped." Yeah I am okay gege. .... Please wait I will come fast " he pushed Yibo away and ran out the washroom. When he reached the lobby Zong was waiting for him with A-ling . He go near them and and smiled.

"Are you okay . You look so pale. " He was worried.

"I am alright. Come let's just go . "

"Yeah okay.... Oh Mr . Wang . " Zong greeted Yibo who was standing behind Zhan . Zhan looked back and he stand behind his brother in law.

"Good job mr. Zong I like your ideas and now everything is clear. And best of luck " Yibo said looking at Zhan . Zhan was trying hard to hide from his sight.

"Let's go gege. " He was impatient. They bowed at Yibo and came out from the building.

"Why are you behaving like this Zhan . Didn't you see that I was talking with CEO . " He scolded him . Zhan was trying to hold his cry. When they reached home he ran towards his room and shut the door from his behind. He sat down on his bed and began to cry. He got disturbed when his brother in law scolded him . Yanli tried to comfort him . His character was changed. He gets emotional for silly matters . No one understands his sudden change. They ignore it because they were busy with their Canada trip planning.


3 pm . After the lunch everyone was at the garden. Zhan and A-Ling was playing hide and seek. It was Zhan's turn to hide. After counting A-ling tried to search for Zhan . He was searching for Zhan for 15 minutes. He got angry when he couldn't find out Zhan . Suddenly he got an idea. He ran towards Zhan's room and checked for his phone. But it was not there . He came back to garden and took yanli's phone and dialled his number. They heard his phone ringing from the backyard.

"This is cheating ling . " His mother said.

"But it's been 15 minutes mama . He is too much " he pouted and walked towards where he heard the cellphone ring.

"MAMAAA COME FAST.... LOOK AT BABY ZHAN" A-ling shouted.everyone got scared and ran towards them . When they reached their they were shocked by the scene. Zhan was lying on the floor unconscious. Blood coming from his forehead too.


Sorry for the late .. ...... I was helping one my nong with her story......

So here is your chapter... I know you guys don't like this chapter 😖😖

Please forgive me for the grammar mistakes.....

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