chapter 24

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No proofreading... A lot of mistakes are ahead

Xiao Zhan ran towards his friend like a child..... They hugged eachother and kissed.

(Just forehead and cheeks.. not like you guys think)

Wang Yibo just glared at them.  He couldn't say anything. He just wanted to separate them and take his bunny home and lock him .

"Song Jiyang  " Xiao zhan's friend streched his hands out for a Shake hand. He broke their hug when he saw the glare from the latter.

"You must be Wang Yibo right " he asked while shaking their hands.

Yibo nodded his head while forcing a small smile.

Song Jiang rubbed his nose out of his habit and stand closer to Yibo and whispered on his ear.

"Don't be jealous. I am just his childhood friend. But we are so close and moreover, I just interested in  your friend standing there"  he stand back with a small smirk .

Yibo's eyes widened. He looked at the angelic faced guy standing infront of him . He clearly understand the meaning of  don't judge a book by it's cover   .

( Do you guys think he will be a shy boy... No never.. I am definitely not let that happen 😈😈)

Yibo looked at Xuan who looking at them with a annoyed face.  Yibo can't help he chuckled a little.

" You are handsome just like he said. More than I imagined. " Jiyang said looking at yibo top to bottom. Yibo just smirked and looked at Zhan who looks like a tomato now. Xiao Zhan looked away when their eyes met.

" Its been a long, I miss my country..." Song Jiyang said while they walking towards the car.

" Song Jiyang... I think I heard your name somewhere. " Yibo glanced at Jiyang.

" Ohh... Maybe you are. " He mumbled a little. " Do you know Shen Lu Fong " he asked.

Wang Yibo and Hao Xuan looked at eachother and nodded. " Yeah , he is a famous business man. We are going to work together, "

" Well .. I am his son. " He said while putting his luggages on the car.

"What... So you are the next CEO . "

" Yup that's why I am here. " Jiyang shrugged his shoulders.

"You mean" yibo asked confusedly.

" Nothing serious. He wanted to take me the charges of his companies which I never wanted to.  Because o don't like to take big responsibility like that. So I practically eloped from his custody. "

They just laughed. Song Jiyang and xiao Zhan settled in the back seat. While hao Xuan dragged yibo a little away from the car.

" Drop them immediately and come fast. I can't wait more. And most importantly don't take Zhan at the office. " Xuan said with a serious expression.

"Why... You look desperate.." Yibo furrowed his eyebrows together.

"You will know when you come to our office. Drop them immediately. "

Yibo nodded his head and walked towards his car. He dropped Jiyang at a hotel .

" I will drop you at Gege's home" yibo said, and looked at the bunny boy .

" I am not going anywhere. I am coming with you" he pouted.

" No.. Xuan strictly said I can't take you at the office. " He said and parked his car infront his Gege's mansion.

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