chapter 31

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Xiao zhan sat on the couch with a sigh. He was really tired and he felt thirsty and hungry too. He took his phone and ordered his food and drink to the chef .

He sat there while waiting for his food. His phone buzzer indicating he got a new message. He lazily took the phone and unlocked it to read the message.

' baby why aren't you taking my calls and messages. Come on please baby'

He took a deep sigh and ignored the message. He promised Wang Yibo that he won't contact with the other. His phone continusly buzzers that he was getting new message.

He massaged his temples and leaned back the couch, with closed eyes. He groaned when his phone started to ring. He clearly know who it was. So he ignored it.

' please pick up the phone baby. I wanted to tell you something. About.... How you got pregnant. '

That message got xiao zhan's attention. He bit his lip and stared at the phone. Yubin was calling him again. He took a deep breath and accept the call.

"Hello.... Baby Zhan....."  Xiao Zhan silently sat there. He wasn't confident yet. Xiao Zhan still don't know why Wang Yibo hates Yubin this much.

But who drugged him that day. He wanted to know about that.

"Yes Yubin ge. " He spoke slowly.

"Oh baby you are there. Why didn't you pick up my calls. I really missed your voice. "

" You know how I got pregnant. So you know who drugged me that day. Just say it Ge. I don't want make him angry. " Xiao Zhan said immediately.

There was a silent from the other side

"I will tell you....but not in the phone. I wanted to meet you personally. "  Yubin said.

"I can't..... Just say it... Its not a big matter. " Xiao Zhan said. He know he can't go outside.

" I can't..... I wanted to show you some evidences though. "  He was manipulating the poor boy.

" I am not sure. I will try. " He said and cut the call.

He moved towards the door. He saw many guards roaming there. He sighed. There is no way he can go outside.

He returned to the hall. Suddenly a window got his attention.

That was leading to the backyard.

He entered there and scanned around. There wasn't anyone. He immediately took his phone and called Yubin to come here. .

After few minutes he saw Yubin came there with a car. He immediately went towards the car . Yubin came out and engulfed him with a hug. For the first time xiao Zhan felt uncomfortable with the other.

" What ....  Say it immediately Ge. " He was impatient. Before someone find out he wasn't there , he have to go back.

"Why are you rushing. We met after a long time. Come let me take you somewhere. " Before xiao Zhan could protest Yubin made him sat on the car and locked it.

Xiao zhan was feeling scared. If yibo find out this he will  be a dead meet.

I can make him understand... Right xiao Zhan thought himself.

"It was yibo who drugged you that day. " Yubin said looking at xiao Zhan.

Xiao zhan stared at him with a wide eyes.

"No it wasn't him. I am damn sure. It was someone else. " Xiao zhan shook his head. He noticed that Yubin's grip on the steering wheel getting tightened.

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