chapter 16

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Zhan enters his room . He doesn't feel a homely atmosphere. He really miss his shijie's love and gege's scolding. He layed on the bed and  started to cry . Yibo came there and looked at his bunny . He don't want to do this . But he don't have any other ways.  Atleast he wanted to make his bunny little more stronger.

" Are you crying" yibo leaned to the door frame and looked at zhan .
Zhan looked at yibo with his teary eyes. " No i am laughing here can't you see that.  "

" Oh i thought you were crying. So continue your laughing. And if you are hungry come down "

" Ahhhh why are you so annoying Yibo ...... I hate you...hate you...." Zhan shouted .

" I can here you. And for your information i love you..😘"

" I don't wanted to be here. I don't like it. Please let me go yibo . I really don't like it" Zhan was pleading to him.

Yibo slowly walked towards the bed and looked at Zhan. 

" You can go.  But after what will happen.. I already told you about that"

" That's why I came here with you. I lost my siblings today because of you. "

Yibo have a deep breath and went out from the room .

"Its not fare. ... You are breaking my heart yibo. Once I loved you so much. Now I hate you more than that. You put me a difficult situation " Zhan hold his face and cried.

Flashback . What happened at the hospital.

"Ziyi  leave . I wanted to talk with him Alone" Yibo said and pointed his fingers towards the door.

She stood up looked at Zhan . He still looking at Yibo without blinking

When Ziyi closed the door yibo came towards Zhan and hold his hand and looked at the wound.

" What is this Zhan . Why did you do this " yibo asked.

" Its all because of you . You.... You made me pregnant.and I don't know how iam going to live in this society. A pregnant man don't you think it's disgusting. " His tears are flowing down.

" Zhan stop talking nonsense. Its not disgusting. So you think your child is disgusting. You are going to be a mother and that mother saying that his child is a disgusting woowww Zhan woww. You are amazing" yibo clapped his hands.

" I.... I  .... I didn't mean that...... " He mumbled.

" Leave it . Don't do this anymore Zhan please. And it's not me who drugged you that day . Please believe me" he was literally pleading to him .

" Then who else . Its you I am sure . After you left to the washroom I got that juice. And you send me that " he was shouting at yibo .

Yibo was trying to control him self.

" Zhan I told you its not me . Its someone else"

" Okay .. I agree . But still you weren't drunk that day . You just had one shot . If I was drugged what about you... " He shouted at him .
Yibo went silent. He know that whatever he was going to say the latter is not going to trust. But atleast he wanted to try . He want his bunny .

"Its because of my friend, Xuan ,he send me a new type of vine that our client gave us. If we drunk it we will......" His words cut by Zhan .

" Woww . You are good in making stories Yibo . How fast you making new stories. " He scoffed at him.  " Thank God that we leaving this country. I don't wanted to see you anymore and don't come after me or my child."

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