chapter 8

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It's a longgg chapter. I will be very busy for a few days. After 29 I will update
Like everytime please try to understand my grammar mistakes.....


"You like him right...."

Yibo stoped entering his car and hold its door tightly,he tapped it few times and closed the door and turned towards the voice.
He saw Yubin staring at him with an anger face. When he saw his face Yibo gritted his teeth tightly and tried to hold back his anger only for his best friend.

      They where at the entrance of his office and it was almost 5 pm , most of the employees are going back to home ,and they looked at their CEO suspiciously.
  Yibo didn't wanted to create an issue infront of his he tried to calm down.
   He looked at his opponent with a cold face.
    "What do you want......"

  "You love him right......"Yubin was getting angry..
   Yibo looked at him top to bottom and titled his head towards the entrance door. He saw Ziyi was coming out from the elevator. He looked at Yubin again and took his phone to call someone

   "Hello Ziyi ,can you get the file of wen project.."

    "Yeah ,it's at Xuan's office..."

    "Yeah,bring it now ,I am here I have to take a look , I held a video conference with WEN industries CEO today ,so I have to take a look about that"

He saw she was getting the elevator again and going upwards,he make an another call. During the call he asked Yubin

"How long you wanted to talk"

"10 minutes"Yubin crossed his hand towards his chest.

  "I will give you 5 minutes.."he said and backed to the call.

"5 minutes.stop all the elevator....after 5 minutes you can make it right"
He put his phone on his coat and looked at Yubin to continue his blabbering

Yubin come towards Yibo and stood face to face .

They gritted eachother.
"You like him or not"Yubin can't control his anger anymore.

"It's none of your business.."he said with the same expression.

  "It's my business because he belongs to me.."

That was enough for Yibo to kill him right now but he held his anger he truly loved his best friend and definitely not in a mood to make a fight.he clenched his palm and looked at his eyes straight.

   "I will make him mine ,and after the engagement party of my sister I will propose him in front of everyone...."Yubin said with a stern voice.
He couldn't read Yibo's face ,the silence of latter make him more angry and impatient.
"I know in this one month you came to see him purposefully,it's not coincidence...that was planned and there was no meeting."he said again.

   Last one month Yibo and Zhan met a lot of times, sometimes at mall ,cafe , public libraries and even park . Evry time he said he had a meeting or to see someone or buy something for his brother's son. There was no meeting or anything for Yibo ,his intention was only mingle with Zhan and make a good impression. With in this one month his movements make a positive sign , Zhan became more attached to him more than his own friends and Yubin . Yibo clearly know that Yubin was jealous. But Yibo want Zhan alone to talk with him .but he was surrounded by his friends everytime.

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