chapter 4

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Please co-operate with my poor English
I am still confused with is,was,am,were,has,have,had and etc,so please ignore my grammar mistakes and try to understand what I meant 😂😂

Yibo's Pov

I was waiting for my best friend,she was the one who conducted this party for our grand success of new project.we all are present here except her.
We all are at Hotel Grand Hyatt , famous 5 star bar hotel in Beijing,and this one is very expensive and only business peoples are present and some others too ,means not crowded.

(Actually this hotel is situated in Singapore 😁😁)Actually I hated crowded places,we have been waiting for her last one hour,Seungyeon started to flirt with some girls and others too

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(Actually this hotel is situated in Singapore 😁😁)
Actually I hated crowded places,we have been waiting for her last one hour,Seungyeon started to flirt with some girls and others too.when I decided to go back one group of young students entered,Idk why I found something interest in them.
  Everyone was looking at them , they were 3boys and 1 girl .that girl looks so beautiful, maybe that's why they all are looking at them,
  "Woww beautiful"sungjoo blurted out and he was looking at them , without taking his eyes.
"What,you didn't see girls before"I asked
"No.... I mean yes ,I saw so many girls before,but no one have this much beauty like him"he says .I looked at him ,'his beauty'is he insane.
All my friends are looking at them non Stop,no single movement.
I looked at them ,there is a bit ,looks soo beautiful, sungjoo was right,I never seen such a beauty before. Is that one is a boy or a girl in boys attire.
His eyes are so beautiful,tall,fair skin he is wearing a black shirt and pant

His eyes are so beautiful,tall,fair skin he is wearing a black shirt and pant

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  He looks stunning in that attire.i can see that he is little tensed and looking around.sometimes hiding behind his friends. His lips are trembling.i just feel that I wanna taste his lips by any chance, because a mole Under his lips are so tempting. I gulped down by looking at him .even my mind is a mess ,my expression never changed.
They sat down just opposite table of us .
  He is sitting straight opposite me .I was looking at him continuously,I didn't wanted to avert my gaze 
  "Who got your attention Mr.Cold prince"
Ziyi came in front of me and smirked.
She titled her head towards them , suddenly her expression changed una confusing way.
  "Zhan..."she called and I saw he was very shocked, even his friends too.
They all were lookyat her In a scary way.

Zhan's pov
"No excuses Zhan you have to come tomorrow"Simon said and hold my hands and others nodded in unison.
"You know that na gege will not allow me " I was trying my best to make them understand.
"You promised me last time that you will definitely come to my next bday,now you can't change your words"He said
"Say him that only 4 of us and party will be at my home and there is no worry"
"I will try my best " I am not sure he will allow me or not even madam Yu is also there"
  "Zhan please if you also there my mom will definitely allow me when I talked about this matter she says if Zhan is there you can go ,so please zhannn "Miamin whined.
----------------------------------------- home, dinner time
"Do you have anything to talk to us"suddenly Madam Yu asked me. Yes I have to ask permission but I am afraid, that's not like they will kill me,but I don't know the reason why I am afraid.
"ZHAN.." she called my name again"SPEAK OUT"
why she is so scary.
"That's Madam Yu , tomorrow is Simon's bday he invited me to celebrate his bday"
"Where "that was her first question.
"At his home "I have a hope "I don't have any problem with this"I was dancing in my mind,but next word made my happiness destroyed"but you have to ask your brother"
"Going where"I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lower lips before speak,I leave a sigh and turned to face him
"It's Simon's bday tomorrow, please gege they all are expecting me"
"There is no need to go ,wish him when you see him"
"Gege please I promised him last time,I have to save my words please gege "I pleaded .
"But situation changed now"
I pout a and sat down at the couch .my eyes started to betray me
"Baby is crying"A-ling shouted.everyone stared at me .
"You can go Zhan "shijie said from the kitchen
"But jiejie..."
"There is no but,he can go that's final "I wan very happy, because I know he can't go against her words"I ran to the kitchen and hugged her tightly.i saw gege was rolling his eyes ,I ignored that.
When our car parked at the hotel my eyes widened,I looked at them in disbelief

They gave me a playful smile and opened my door .I came out .they take me a hotel ,a 5 star hotel in Beijing.i know they all are from very wealthy families.but ,they dragged me inside.i hesitated what if gege came to know about this .
I protested"what is this Simon ,you guys said party is at your home but this ,at a bar ,I can't what if gege will know about this"
"Oh come on Zhan ,he will never know ."
"What if ..."
"There is no what if,don't spoil the atmosphere Zhan"they dragged me at a table

"What the hell are you doing here Zhan "someone shouted at me,I know this voice.
'yes ,I am finished'

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