chapter 28

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Don't expect too muchhh.... Its really boring....

I clearly doesn't like this chapter 😢

"Mr Wang" Dr. Guo slowly called Wang Yibo who glaring at him . They were at the hospital for Zhan's scanning.

"What " Yibo asked in a deep voice made the poor doctor trembling in fear.

"Mm... Can you take this file to Dr. Shen Wei. " He asked politely. Fear was evident on his face.

"For what . " Wang Yibo was getting irritated by this doctors behaviour. A doctor should be brave and said straight forward what his patients have to do.

"Mmm.... That.... Its ..."

"Can you stop this stuttering and say it properly. " He gritted his teeth.

"Its about Zhan's diet and fooding.... That he have to follow from this month" he said in one go.

Wang Yibo nodded and followed the nurse towards Dr Shen Wei's room .

"You are really afraid of him right" xiao Zhan laughed seeing the doctor's expression. He only nodded and sighed.

"Come on let's proceed. " He led Zhan towards the scanning bed.

"But Yibo... " But doctor cut his words.

"Its okay. Let's complete this fastly so you guys can go home fastly. " He said and took a glass of water and gave to Zhan . He drank that before laying down.

"Why I am laying this side . "He asked confusedly when the doctor made him lay on the opposite side of the monitor. He can't see the monitor.

" Its because... In this position I can  scan properly.. yeah... That's why. " Dr. Guo said and Zhan nodded slowly.

When the scanning was done he was asleep
Dr. Guo made him wake up. But he felt dizzy all of sudden.

" I feeling dizzy " he mumbled.

"Its because you wake up suddenly. " Doctor said and  lead him outside. When they came out side Wang Yibo was coming towards them . His eyebrows knitted together when he saw a weak xiao Zhan.

"What happened to him " he asked eyeing at the doctor.

"Nothing. He vomited a little. That made him dizzy. Don't worry. Its natural. " Doctor said. Xiao Zhan was hugging yibo tightly. He felt like he will collapse if he left yibo.

He confusedly looked at the doctor when he said he vomited before. Isn't it that was morning. Even before he came to this hospital. He shrugged it. He wasn't in a state to ask about that.

"I want his scanning report" yibo said suddenly made the doctor widen his eyes. Seeing Wang Yibo glaring at him suspiciously made the doctor composed himself.

He called the nurse to bring Xiao zhan's file and she quickly went inside to take the file.

Yibo took the file from  the nurse's hand and looked at Zhan who tiredly leaning over him .

"Can you walk." Wang Yibo asked slowly and removed the bangs falling on his forehead. Xiao Zhan shook his head and gestured him to take him up. Wang Yibo handed over the file to his bodyguard Mr. Park and took Xiao Zhan in a bridal style. Zhan snuggled closer to Wang Yibo's chest and inhaled his sent . He fell asleep immediately holding Wang Yibo tightly.

Mr. Park opened the door for Wang Yibo to take Zhan inside the car.

" I will drive sir. " Mr. Park said when he saw Xiao Zhan was refusing to remove the hold from Wang Yibo's shirt. Yibo nodded and made Zhan sit on his lap.

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