chapter 30

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Long chapter.... A lot of I mean a lot of mistakes...

Xiao Zhan wake up immediately in the middle of his deep sleep

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Xiao Zhan wake up immediately in the middle of his deep sleep. His big almond eyes scanned through the room in the presence of dim light. That room wasn't dark . He tilted his head to see the clock , it was 2 In the early morning.

He removed the iron grip on his waist , from Yibo and sat on the bed . He rubbed his big tummy and glanced at Yibo who sleeping peacefully.

He gritted his teeth looking at Wang Yibo. He was angry, sad and moreover he was Hungry. His eyes started to filled with tears. He started to cry .

He was getting frustrated, he couldn't figure out why he getting sad and angry. He cursed him self for getting hungry in the middle of this night. He ran his hands through his locks and tried to wake yibo up. But he didn't even budge from his sleep. Seeing the other sleeping peacefully and he couldn't made Xiao Zhan broke down.

He started to cry silently and started to sob. Yibo slowly opened his sleepy eyes when he heard some sniffing sounds. When he opened his eyes he saw xiao Zhan crying hardly hugging his big tummy.

Yibo sat on the bed immediately and cupped Xiao Zhan's cheeks. He was afraid a little.

"What happened baby... Do you feel any uneasy.  Do you want to go hospital. " He asked scanning through the latter's eyes.

Xiao Zhan immediately hugged Wang Yibo and cried loudly. Wang Yibo circled his hand around xiao zhan's back to calm him down.

"Its okay... I am here... " He said Even he doesn't understand anything.

" I hate my self Yibo.... " Xiao Zhan said inbetween his sobbs .

Yibo furrowed his eyebrows together and broke their hug. He put his hands on the latter's shoulder and made him look at him .

"What you mean... What happened... " He asked confusedly.

"I am..... I am ... I am hungry you know..... " Xiao zhan said silently. Yibo tried his best to not laugh infront of him . But he failed. He laughed loudly.

Xiao Zhan looked at him. He hit Yibo's chest slightly. He was embarrassed.

"Its not funny you know... I don't know why I feel hungry sudden . " He pouted.

Wang Yibo let out a small chuckle and pecked on Zhan's pouting lips.

"Its okay bunny. Everyone felt like this on their pregnancy period. "

"Really... Am not weird right. " Xiao Zhan asked hopefully. Wang Yibo nodded.

" And what my bunny wanted to eat now. " He asked and peppers a lot kiss on Zhan's face. Xiao Zhan giggled a little..

" I want icecream.... apple icecream. " He said through his giggles. Wang Yibo immediately stopped kissing him and looked at Zhan with a wide eyes.

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