chapter 34

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Sorry for the mistakes....

Long chapter... Sorry....

"where did you go today " it was the first question when Wang Yibo asked after he entering his mansion . Xiao Zhan stopped chewing his food looked up seeing a almost angry Wang Yibo. He ignored the question and went back to the show he was watching. This made Yibo angry. He turned off the TV and stood infront of him . Xiao Zhan pouted and with an annoyed face he stood up from the couch.

" What are you doing..... Turn in the TV . I wanted to watch it. " Xiao Zhan almost ordered at Yibo.

" Then first answer my question. " Wang Yibo raised his voice.

" You already know where I went. Then why are you asking me. " Xiao Zhan said sassily. When he looked at Wang Yibo he clearly understood that the another one is really getting angry. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch.

"Okay I went to shopping. Happy now. " With a frown he looked away.

Wang Yibo took a deep breath to not burst out infront of the pregnant man . He has to calm down.

" Did you asked for my permission. " Wang Yibo asked slowly. He didn't want to create a problem.

" Why should I.... Can't I go for a shopping... Do I have to ask permission to you for everything. That's insane " he scoffed.

" You..... Leave it.... But what was the purpose for your shopping... I clearly remember we went to shopping barely one week before , isn't this shopping was unwanted "

" So you are saying that I am wasting your money... And for your information I am a pregnant man who have so many cravings "

" I didn't say that you are wasting my money.... I have plenty of it.... But my question is why didn't you asked me before going to the shopping. " Yibo almost yelled.

" Why should I ask your permission before...... We aren't married... You don't own me... I have my own life... We are just boyfriends " Xiao Zhan was also raising his voice.

" What the hell are you talking about Zhan.... I didn't say that you can't go anywhere.... Its just you should have say to me before you go somewhere. " Everything was getting on his nervous.

" I will do whatever I want.... Don't question me anymore " with that xiao Zhan stomped away from the living room.

Wang Yibo frowned , he got angry. When he tried to follow the younger his head maid stopped him .

" He is pregnant sir. Its quite natural that he getting angry... He will be alright. " She said politely.

" But don't you think what all he said was little more. "

" I know.. but it's because of his hormones. He will come later when his head will cool. " Wang Yibo nodded and went to his room.

When he got his room it was dark . He hit the light and looked around. Xiao zhan wasn't there.

" Where is he " he looked for him . Xiao Zhan wasn't anywhere. He got out from his room. When he passed Xiao Zhan's old room he heard some sounds from there. Wang Yibo knocked and tried to open the door. But it was locked.

" Baby... Bunny please open the door sweetheart " Wang Yibo said softly not wanted to make the latter angry.

" Get away you asshole. " He heard a shout from the other side. Wang Yibo frowned.

From where he learnt all these words...

" Watch your language Xiao Zhan. " He banged on the door and went to his room angrily. With a loud bang he closed the door.

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