Invite Me In

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Pairing: Elijah x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Elijah, Y/N

Description: Elijah has told Y/N that he’s a vampire.

You and Elijah had grown closer the last few months. You learnt some things about him that you didn’t even think could happen. You never thought that vampires existed, especially original vampires, let alone fall in love with one.

Elijah had been treading on eggshells around you for some time and you had had enough of it. You sat him down and demanded to know what was happening with him. His head faced his shoes as he uttered out the words as if he was scared to see your reaction. You began to laugh, but when he turned to you with a sorrowful look, you stopped and realised that what he was saying was true: he was a vampire.

You ran off and shut yourself in your room, slamming the door behind you. For days, you never came out of your room which caused Elijah unknowable pain. He hated that he did this to you but he knew that you needed to know about what he was, especially as his feelings for you were growing stronger.

After a few days, you came out of your room. Elijah was delighted to see you again, but his smile soon dropped as he took in your weak state. He set to work to cooking your favourite food and placed it in front of you as you sat in the front room. Once you inhaled the delicious scent of the food, all of your barriers dropped and you immediately began eating.

Elijah sat on the other side of the room, watching your every move. He knew that this was a step in the right direction, but he wanted to keep a safe distance until he knew how you felt about the situation. You placed the player down on the table and turned to look at him, patting the sofa seat beside you.

He cautiously walked over and took the seat, his eyes never leaving yours. Elijah was trying to work out how you felt through the emotion in your eyes. You took his hands in yours and gave him a smile, indicating that you were OK. Elijah smiled back, placing small kisses on the tops of your knuckles.

“I’m sorry I acted that way, Eli. I just needed to process everything, I needed to think about what was going to happen.” Elijah nodded in understanding before you carried on. “I know that you are never going to hurt me, no matter if you're a vampire or not. Before you told me, I had feelings for you, strong feelings.”  Elijah’s eyes widened. “And now?” You smiled widely at him. “Somehow, they’ve grown even stronger and now I’ve realised something. I love you, Eli. I always have.”

A wide smile spread across his face before he grabbed your face and crashed his lips against yours, pouring all of his feelings into it. You kissed back, your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer into you. Your lips meshed together wonderfully, as if they were made for one another. Elijah’s hands moved from your face to the small of your back, rubbing circles at the bottom of your spine. Your hands tangled themselves into his hair, your fingers threading through his silky locks.

You both pulled away, breathing heavily, and pressed your foreheads together. “In case you didn’t notice, Y/N, I feel the same way.”

Elijah drove you home the next night after your date. He walked around and opened the door for you, holding out his hand for you to take. You both walked up the path, hand in hand, until you got to the front door. You unlocked the door and stepped inside, expecting Elijah to follow you. You turned around, confused, when he didn’t and spotted him standing at the edge of your doorway.

“Err, can you invite me in please? I’d like to spend time with you.” He leant on the doorway with his hands in his pockets. “I got a welcome mat! Doesn’t that work?” Elijah let out a big sigh and shook his head in disbelief. “No Y/N, no it doesn’t.”

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