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Pairing: Enzo x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Enzo, Y/N

Description: Enzo hasn’t fed on blood, so Y/N offers to help him. When he takes too much, Enzo has to feed Y/N his blood in order to save them.

Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of birds chirping outside of your window. A large smile spread across your face as you realised what today was going to bring: you were finally going to see Enzo after days of being apart. You hadn’t been together long, but your feelings grew stronger for him everyday. He was trying to keep his distance from you as he always found this time of year the hardest to control his thirst. After a long and grueling conversation the night before, Enzo had finally agreed to let you come over and see him. You jumped out of bed and hopped straight into the shower, excitement filling your body of the days prospects.

You walked up the stone pathway and stopped at the front door, knocking three times on it. When no answer came, you became both concerned and confused and decided to let yourself in. Finding the rock containing the spare key, you unlocked the door and stepped inside.

“Enzo?” Your voice echoed around the large, bare walls as you walked around the house shouting his name. You finally found him huddled against the cooler fridge in the pantry, his eyes black with thirst. “Enzo! What are you doing like that?” You stepped forward towards him but Enzo shook his head. “Don’t come any closer, my love. I’m afraid I may lose all control if you come near me.” You shook your head in confusion. “Just drink from a blood bag like you always do.” Enzo shook his head once more. “No can do, sweetheart. There’s none left.”

Your eyes widened a little at this information until an idea popped into your head. You stepped slowly towards Enzo and knelt down to his level. “Take some of my blood, Enzo. Just this once.” He looked up at you with sincerity and worry on his face. “Definitely not. I’m not doing that.” You cradled his face in your hands and pecked your lips on his. “I’m not scared, Enzo. I know you won’t hurt me.”

You could see the internal turmoil Enzo was facing at this point, it was written all over his face. He could either die and leave you in the world defenseless and alone, or he could risk your life by feeding on you. In his mind, there was no clear answer. He brought his hands up to his head and ran them through his hair, causing it to become disheveled.  

“I can’t risk your life, Y/N. I just can’t. If I accidentally take too much…” “Then I will trust you to do what you think is right.” You gave Enzo a small smile before rolling up your left sleeve and held it outright towards Enzo.

The smell of your blood immediately filled Enzos’ nose and his face began to contort. He hated that you had to see him like this. He felt ashamed that this is what had to happen, all because he had forgotten to get more blood bags.

Enzo tried to fight off his instincts for as long as he could but eventually, the thirst became too much for him to handle. He sunk his teeth into your wrist, causing you to hiss in pain. Enzo looked up at you concerned but you nodded, indicating for him to carry on. He began to drink, the cool liquid travelling down his throat. Everything around Enzo faded into the background as he drank more and more of your blood.

Your vision began to get cloudy and you tried to tell Enzo to stop. Your voice came out weak and tired and you could feel your body shutting down. Enzo didn’t notice anything until it was too late. He felt your arm go weak underneath him and his eyes widened in horror. Your body fell to the floor in a lifeless state. Enzo quickly scurried towards you and placed two fingers on your pulse point, letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt a faint heartbeat.

He quickly sprang into action though, as he knew that it wouldn’t be long until that heartbeat faded. Biting into his wrist, Enzo carefully placed it on your mouth to let the blood drip down your throat. He held you in his arms and traced your skin with his fingers, as if he was memorizing every inch of your body.

You woke up with a start, coughing and spluttering. You felt movement behind you and your body immediately calmed down when you felt Enzo’s familiar fingertips running down your arms. You turned around and gave him a small smile, your hand finding its way to his cheek.

“See, I told you you’d do what you thought was right.” Enzo leaned into the warmth of your hand and kissed your palm. “Yes, but I wouldn’t have had to do it if I wasn’t so reckless.” His head hung low in shame. Enzo couldn’t believe that he nearly killed you, all because he couldn’t count his blood bags.

“Hey, look at me.” Enzo looked into your eyes with guilt and regret. “I know that you would never do anything intentionally to hurt me, OK? These things will happen, it’s all part of being in a relationship with a vampire.”

Enzo smiled at you and lent down, pressing his lips against yours. “Now, whaddya say we head to the Salvatore’s and steal some of their blood bags, eh?” You got up from your place on the floor, holding your hand out to him, which Enzo accepted. You led him out of the house and towards the car.

Enzo could still feel the guilt swirling around him about what happened. He didn’t know whether He’d ever forgive himself for what he had done.

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